Heat is rising on Astros Asst GM Brandon Taubman over his comments in the clubhouse following the 6th game of the ALCS. Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic is calling for a long suspension of Taubman and fines for the Astros organization.
The best team (Astros) vs the hottest team (Nationals) is a classic. According to my theories the Nats should win... I see the Strohs have discovered 20 year-old phenom Juan Soto the hard way. The Dodgers were so concerned about him that they had a pitcher on the post season roster, Adam Kolarek, who's only job was to pitch to him...as per Dave Roberts.
That's playoffs in all sports. It's why wild card teams sometimes win the big enchilada! Astros and Dodgers were the best team in the year long race, but once the playoffs starts as you said the Hot team wins.
It's all on Justin Verlander, just like it was in game 2 of the ALCS. He didn't dominate the Yankee's and when he left the game was tied 2-2. Tonight he really needs to get out fast and dominate the Nat's if it's possible. 0-2 is a death sentence for the Astros.
Not looking good for the Astros. They have run into a team that can match them across the board with pitching, is playing loose and is hot. Now they lose a bat playing in Washington and have their weakest starter on deck.
I didn't know that Verlander was 0-5 in the WS. 0-3 with the Tigers and now 0-2 with the Astros. Deep hole, 96 Yankees were the last team to do it.
I watched most of the game last night until I couldn't keep my eyes open. The home plate ump missed many low strikes on both teams, according to the strike zone indicator. I'm guessing he'll learn about it in the review.
Some life from the Astros last night, still a very low probability of taking this to 6 or 7 games but at least the sweep is off the table.
Well after the failures of my football teams at least the Astros are kicking some ass in DC and barring a complete collapse this series will go back to Houston and we are still alive.
Cole and Verlander now have 2nd chances to show up and pitch like they did in the regular season. Of course they will be facing the Nats Aces, need of course nothing short of a split to take it to game 7. I really thought they would close us out in DC. Astros showed some grit and we are going to go back to Houston.
Terry, you got hit with a double whammy - Texas and ND losses - but you still can smile because the Astros kicked the Nats' butts last night.
Yes it made the end of my day a lot better. It had been a rough day because I was here in Boston to see my brother in law Pat Drexel off to that better place known as Heaven. Shed a lot of tears, Pat was a big Notre Dame fan, it was our first bond. Unfortunately at our age we have more of these sad day ahead of us.
The loss of those we love is an unwelcome part of life. For some it leaves a mark that never can be erased. For some it creates a huge hole in our heart that never can be filled. You had a close relationship with him, so his passing has deeply saddened you. I'm very sorry for your loss.
Astros win, headed home with 1 to win. They'll get the Nats aces finally. The President got booed and was met with 'lock him up' cheers. These last two games should be pitching classics... should be.