Well Kedon was terrific in the Stanford game and the clean up role in the Fresno State game after JT Daniels went down. So much so that a lot of people thought Daniels would never get his job back. Then they went on the road to BYU and he looked ordinary and threw 3 picks. We'll see, he's got a good arm and he's flashed it vs Stanford. I'm just hoping that the fact it's his first road game to South Bend and that our crowd will be loud and rowdy and cause him some issues. Sort of like Sam Darnold had when he came to South Bend.
Irish picked up a top rated WR today Dion Colzie from Geogria. He's a top 100 player and a top 10 WR.
Damn I wanted a TD there, but it was good to see Doerer make a 45 yd FG. He's been a very pleasant surprise as a kicker. I think most were worried that the FG/KO/PAT would be dicey this year.
Irish with almost 200yd rushing the 1st half, just a little under 100 yds passing 10/19. Defense oooooh a fight as they go off the field.
I missed the fight because I flipped to the other game while I was baby sitting stupid questions from my son in college, what happened?
Just a couple of USC thugs shooting off their mouths...both teams got the unsportsmanlike just like in the OU/Texas game. Doerer another beauty..52 yds Irish 20-3
Decent drive aided by a questionable penalty, ends in another Doerer FG. 23-13 Some where we really need to force a USC turnover. Right now USC is in a good offensive rhythm.
USC just marches down the field, they have the defense back on their heels. 23-20. Offense is going to have to answer.
Wow what a drive, Book scores. 30-20 Running game has been terrific. Book was great on that drive, so was Jones and Smith...both those guys had big plays running. Jones has 176yd and the Irish 311.