Texas and Florida muscle their way into conference contention. Best win for the Gators in many years.
Yeah, I wish I was at the game but we will make three games later this year. Texas certainly came up big today.
Almost let it get away Bill, but OU scored so quickly that we had plenty of time to get in position to kick the winning FG. But this win might be the turning point for the Longhorns.
... I was at the game Bill and it was pretty incredible. The Gators and their fans took back the Swamp today. It rivaled the loudest games I ever saw there... could have been THE loudest. The energy was something I haven't seen in many years.... one helluva lot of fun!
Palm Picks Notre Dame For Playoff <r>Has Notre Dame going against Alabama in first round.<br/> <br/> <URL url="https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/college-football-bowl-projections-notre-dame-replaces-oklahoma-in-college-football-playoff/"><LINK_TEXT text="https://www.cbssports.com/college-footb ... l-playoff/">https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/college-football-bowl-projections-notre-dame-replaces-oklahoma-in-college-football-playoff/</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>
Tim, did you send e a friend request in FaceBook? I saw it about a mount or so ago and sent a private message asking how this Tim Gentry knew me. I received no response. If you did not send it, I am deleting the request and reporting it as spam. If you did, I will accept it.