re Putin and Assad Are those today's noble pursuits? It's so hard to keep up because the narrative seems to change by the minute regarding Russia, and well, really anything.
I do not like Trump's social media tactcis but I truly beleive that he feels if he does not announce his intents on those platforms that they will never be reported. And it is hard to argue that he is wrong about that. The media in league with many government entities have turned reporting into a third world circus. In my view we have reached an unprecedented low in our nation's history and devolvement as a society. We are on the brink.
We do seem to have reached an all time low in this country with regard to respecting our historical institutions, news reporting, honesty and integrity in our government and a general understanding of and respect for our environment and the inernational world in which we all must coexist. As Col. Peters of Fox News recently proclaimed upon his resignation from Fox News.... "now I am ashamed"..... The thing is.... you can hardly blame Trump. He is just acting upon the agenda that got hime elected. His voting base is where the blame belongs on this.
I'm in his voting base, and I don't like a lot of the stuff that goes on around him, but when you get down to what he was elected to do, he's doing that. The business climate in the country is good, we have a Supreme Court justice who is a conservative and the possibility of another one. Taxes are down for most of us, and they are trying to fix Obamacare which is not an easy job.
"Fixing Obamacare" is not really the deal. It's coming up with a viable healthcare system in this country that provides more than third world healthcare at affordable costs to our citizens.... all of our citizens.... not just to members of Congress. The out of pocket expenses to job holding hard working Americans is going through the roof... becoming unaffordable. But the answer we get from the right is tied in to your answer that the economy in general is good. It's bad for many.... but good for those few that have wealth already created. Healthcare costs ever increasing is good for those who own the stock portfolios.... but terrible for most Americans.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the solution to rising health care costs from the left. The obvious answer is rationing and nobody, left included, has wanted to hear that. And rationing is fine, until it is YOU that needs a bone marrow transplant or a heart valve replacement or a liver transplant. Or unless you have AIDS and Hep C and need $30,000 of prescription meds per year to stay alive.
So what I mean by saying the voting base is to blame is that Trump is a showman.... a ringleader of the circus. He sees what the base enjoys.... the Jerry Springer in him gives them what they want. He's not stupid... but he is a panderer and an egomaniac and he tailors his act to what he perceives his base to want.
Hey Trump's approval ratings that hover in the high 30s to sometimes 40% are just where he wants them..... Makes it look like he's not popular.... doesn't have a chance.... etc. etc..... lay a little media bomb on the opposition just prior to election and then get those mysterious rural electoral votes swinging his way and voila'! He's re-elected as a highly unpopular president. Genius..... As long as he can keep the audience entertained and the ratings high amongst his base he's good to go.
Rural bumpkins are pretty crafty with sneaking their cattle into polling places to get that bovine voting advantage.