I caught the last minute, the Wofford kid who had only shot 2 free throws the whole year ended up at the line where he really needed to make it, and he dropped both in nothing but net. That's what's great about basketball in general no matter how good you are you are going to lose a game some place to somebody who you are better than but not on that night.
Hey, we might have a chance Saturday vs the Tar Heels! :lol: (CBS Sports Classic) OR They will be out for revenge and stomp us in the ground?
Don, Tennessee led the Tar Heals for all but one minute of our game with them. Should be no problem for you.
Tom, We have a very young team and on the road, who knows what will happen? Glad to learn you will celebrate Christmas at home. Happy Holidays to you and Cindy.
Wait a damned minute. AJ what is your affiliation to the powder blue dirty feet? I thought you had Big Red blood? Oh.... And while we're talking about hoops, I got some great news. 3 primary players suspended just in time for conference play to start up, including out tussle with the Gators We just can't stand prosperity. :x
Looks like this Northwesrern player inherited his mom's comedy DNA. https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/sports/julia-louis-dreyfus-son-shows-basketball-comedy-chops-first-career-point-152437639.html?__twitter_impression=true
Yeah that was pretty funny...obviously he must be a pretty sharp kid to be at Northwestern and hopefully he's going to get his degree and have a good career in something other than Basketball!
Stayed pretty much out of this discussion because I don't wanna jinx my team...but Purdue is looking to be pretty versatile with size, quickness, and an inside outside game. Lost to a good Tennessee team and lost a stinker to W. Ky...both in the Bahamas tournament. https://www.hammerandrails.com/2017/12/22/16811876/purdue-basketball-offensive-efficiency-breakdown
Ohio State falls to North Carolina 86-72. Their defense constantly interrupted our offensive sets. Way too many mistakes and forced shots were our downfall. I still think we can finish in the middle of the Big Ten Conference.
Camp Lejeune NC was my first duty station....1984.....Just became a fan....besides....we suck at BBall....
SEC looks like it's wide open right now, Kentucky will have to battle some pretty good teams for the title this year. KU will also have to work to win another b12 title, OU and TCU both look pretty good right now as well.
I knew we'd have trouble with the suspensions and injuries but didn't expect to get housed. Nice win for the Tide. Hopefully we get enough guys back to be competitive with Florida.