Congrats to Treefrog!! That has to be the closest win ever in the contest. 1 point!! Congrats also to PJ for 2nd place and to Kesley for 3rd place. Also Congrats to Tom for winning the Moderators division. And to Bill, why didn't you finish like this a couple of years ago!!! Top 10. Treefrog 1080 PJMIII 1079 Kesley 1073 Stu 1070 Tennessee Tom 1063 BuckeyeT 1063 gipper 1045 Cindy 1036 Terry 1035 RoGator 1035
Treefrog, PJMIII, and Kesley I need a email from each of you with your mailing address. Treefrog, I also need from you the name you wish to have on your trophy. Please send to Due to spamblocker settings, you will get a reject letter due to your e-mail address not being in the web address book. Disregard this reject letter. I will get the message within 24 hours.
Yeah Terry, I pulled it out in the last week when you had a bad last week. I had a good last week this year also, it was all the previous weeks that did me in this year. Contratulations to TreeFrog.
Tom... I have sent you an email with my info. Thanks for the congrats! My first trophy EVER!!! I couldn't believe it when I saw the scores. I was like OMG!!!!!! Now my husband Rogator has to put up with me until next time.... Thanks again!!
Bumping to the top... Still awaiting response from PJMIII and Kesley I need a email from each of you with your mailing address. Please send to Due to spamblocker settings, you will get a reject letter due to your e-mail address not being in the web address book. Disregard this reject letter. I will get the message within 24 hours.
PJM, check your sent messages to see if the address was correct. I have received nothing and no messages were caught by spamblocker.
Bumping to the top... Calling Kesley!!!!!!!! Please send requested information as requested in previous notes in this topic.
Good job by all three winners. And thanks to Scott who makes it all possible. And let's not forget Tom the head of the trophy committee.
I agree. Thanks to Scott and Tom, and congratulations to the three winners. Although my total score for the season sucks, I really enjoyed playing. I look forward to moving up in the standings next season.
Many thanks to Scott and Tom... Fourth place...gotta put that trainee cat on probation or something. At least she beat George... But so did everybody.