the MRI ruled out anything immediately fatal. (tumors in the brain, lungs etc). The limited EEG that I took (one hour in the hospital under multiple stress tests) didn't show anything either. What these two things tell us is not a lot. It rules out big bad cancers and what not. It pretty much rules out epilepsy, but not entirely. To do that, I am going to have to do a 3 day EEG. This is officially known as 'something that sucks ass.' I can't shower, I can't take it off. I can't even work before I can't fit any of the electronics over the electrodes. For those unfamiliar, this is what I will look like for 3 days Note: The difference between the display and the actual image of me wearing that is there'll be no line saying brain pointing to my head, nor will there be a line, or really any proof of a brain at all.. On top of that, and this is the easy one, I get to wear a heart monitor for 3 days. I figured this would be a good time period to go sky diving again. Maybe play with some big game wild animals. Ya know, things that really get the heart pumping to show them there's nothing wrong with the old ticker.
Glad to read that the MRIs were unremarkable! Hope you are not hooked up while watching the Stanford game as some of the play calling by ND could cause the electrodes to fly off your head....
Sounds pretty encouraging for you Corey.... glad to hear it. I myself have AFIB.... diagnosed a year ago that is better now than then but still for about the third time in a year my cardiologist wants me to wear that holter monitor for 24 hours to see how the AFIB is doing these days. I was admiited to the hospital a year ago with heartbeat at 177 times per minute resting. Result of that is that I totally quit drinking after 42 years and took up karaoke.... still love the bar scene! I may get that monitor this Friday and watch the UF-FSU game because most assuredly my heart will be calm and beating slow during that snoozefest.... :wink:
Damn right you have to update us! You of course will need to go to Walmart and walk the aisles for a few hours. If only you had a colostomy bag to complete the ensemble! I kid. Glad to hear you are clear so far... for once "no news is good news" applies with that first group of possibilities. What will really help is sitting down to the PS4 and playing the most flashy game you can find! I kid again... 8) Take care, and hope to hear the "I had an allergic reaction to fish" explanation soon.
Corey you turdhead, Scott is right we demand an update and appreciate you letting us know what is going on. The image you shared kinda looks like those robots they keep telling us are going to take over the world eventually so you may have a leg up on the rest of us....That being said not showering for 3 days means nobody will be bothering you outside of yourself...I would time it out for the next cold front and not wait for those 95 degree Alabama summers...Sounds like it just the start of the process, good luck... Dave between Gator football and Trump winning office (About a year ago :shock: ) you better take up Yoga and deep breathing exercises to calm your heart down a beat or two. I just feel that you are sharing your excessive heartbeat by singing Karaoke to the patrons at the bar and see your evil plan.... I hope you are doing better now....
That MR. Turdhead to you, Ralphie. Or do you want some more fish wrap? Corey, what are your symptoms?
all, LOL George, It's pretty basic. I pass out regularly and flat out lose time. I don't remember before or after taking the Nestea plunge. I just live with the bruises. On a very, VERY rare occasion, I can feel it coming on but that's literally 1 outta 10. Maybe 1 outta 20. During those times, I get a sour stomach and things start getting blurry. It continues to get worse until I pull a Louganis into whatever is in front of me. To date, I have never had a bad BP reading. I don't have diabetes. As the MRI showed, I've got nothing nefarious and fatal on the horizon. It's just weird. Afib that Dave mentioned is a possibility which is why I'll have to wear that heart monitor for 30 days. I'm probably going to have to go to Vanderbilt for some of this stuff, which blows, but there's no way around it. Basically, this is it: I am 100% healthy despite being way overweight. Then, something causes either a massive loss of blood flow to my brain OR triggers some form of seizure.. as the doc said, it's not fatal so that's good, but it will be like hunting for a needle in a haystack in the dark.
When you go through sleep studies for apnea you get wired up a lot like your photo. I've been through it a few times. Not that pleasant. I take it you're not supposed to drive or tightrope walk. I hope they figure it out and have an answer. I got a good laugh when you wonder why you didn't have one of those episodes during the Miami game. Our thoughts are with you.
Thanks Gip! Seriously though, I could have used one of those episodes during the Miami game. I could just wake up and pretend it didn't happen.
Corey, Has anyone mentioned A-Fib yet? I have a good friend that was finally diagnosed with it after passing out on planes and at work. He is in very good physical shape. They did a procedure on him and he is as good as new.