Bill, I'm sure y'all do. If y'all like having him around that's all that counts. What an Alabama fan thinks about it doesn't matter one bit. 8)
You guys want me to find out?...seriously...there's a guy in town here that I know who talks/texts with SOS 3-4 times a month.
Nah..I can tell ya. The guys name is Steve Sipple. He's the sport's writer for the lincoln journal star. Head guy that covers NU FB. Him and I were on the same VFW boxing team in Columbus, NE. We graduated from the same HS. Had lunch with him a few weeks ago. Google him. Anyway he told me a story about when he was covering the Fiesta Bowl in '96. Osborne always went to the site at least 2 weeks in advance, so did all the reporters. Apparently the last few days before the game, Steve was one of the only NE reporters still hanging around UF practices, and SOS started to single him out and give him crap. They established a friendship, and still stay in contact today. Exactly what would you like me to ask him to ask SOS?
Oh AJ, that's a great story. Does he have any insight as to Nebraska and are they going to hire a new coach?
I’ve always thought the Orlando Sentinel sports writer Mike Bianchi was very Pro Gator so reading his thoughts on the task of rebuilding UF and the wreckage McElwain left behind was a bit surprising....
When coaches come and go, but the writers stay, they tend to view themselves as bigger than the program. Alabama (when I moved here) was terrible at this. It wasn't until the Tide hired Nick Saban, who came into the job swinging an elephant dong and accepting nothing less than total cooperation, that things changed. There were a lot of opinions before Saban, now there's a lot of lapdogs.