Why the Alt Uni's? Or is this like the Aggie salute to the Oilers? BTW Scott, email me your address and I'll send you something that will get you that free lunch!
I'm afraid to say anything because my team may whip out something as wild along the way...I guess the word I'm looking for is daring on these uniforms
Don't worry Ralph your team already has that guady beyond belief necklace that defensive players get after a big play. I don't think it would even be allowed on Burbon St. during mardi gras! I did read that the jersey is supposed to evoke Alligator skin/scales. Glad somebody explained it because I didn't get it from looking at it. But it is a trend in college and the NFL to have different uniforms whether they be something special for a particular game or throwbacks or whatever. They say the kids love them, I know that for the most part old alums and fans arent' quite so enthusiastic about them!
LOL, Terry that shouldn't be allowed no matter how drunk you are on any street or festival, geeze it's awful...
Alt unis for an alt season at UF. I get pissed at the continued offensive ineptitude but it's easy to forget that so many of 2017 UF's top offensive players aren't on the field this season. It's asterisk of a year in Gainesville..... and I might not watch them play Georgia in two weeks.... might have to find something else to do that day.
I didn't recognize anything that resembled Florida colors on that uniform. At least they weren't apparent on the TV screen. Doesn't seem to be very good branding. :?
Florida and Tennessee's season has given rise to Tailback's (Rodney Moss) expectations to be in Atlanta this year. He is finally talking football again on Facebook.
He had better be careful.... McElwain might pull out some of that Ron Zook magic from the early 2000s when inferior UF teams somehow ruined the Dawg's seasons. :lol: But.... I wouldn't bet on it....