We talked to our grandson, they live in Katy, and everyone is safe and sound. Tom and Cindy posted on Facebook that they are safe.
I'm safe Bill, my area does have some flooding but nothing like you are seeing on TV. I am still concerned that I could get water in the house as there is so much rain, unprecedented. Area's that never flooded are flooding. Keep us in your prayers.
Yep... we are high and dry. Worst thing that has happened so far is one of our crape myrtle bushes were uprooted in our flower beds. 8) Hate those things and wouldn't mind the rest of them blowing down. :shock: :shock: 8) We still have 30 mph winds with gusts to 40 mph. Still have sideways rain. Closest tornado report was about 40 mile southeast of us. We have almost no chance of major flooding The last time it flooded here, the rain came down for 40 days and 40 nights! :shock: We have offered Terry a safe place... no he is not a snowflake... in case he needs to evacuate.
It is very bad in a lot of area's of Houston. Record rainfall and the bayous, creeks and rivers are all at record levels. The worst part is the damn thing is moving so slow you could probably out walk it.
They are saying 40 to 50 inches of rain for you guys Terry. Hope you are just high enough to keep it out of the house. If there's a silver lining here (yeah I know not really) DFW has gotten cloud cover, some light rain, and several days of low 80's.
Terry, how are things with you and in your neighborhood? My Grandson lives in Katy but the part where he lives is not flooded.
One of my car clubs "Texas Muscle Cars" is spearheading a drive to contribute to the Red Cross initiative to supply essentials to the gulf coast.
Good to read that you are doing OK, Terry. Anne and I hope you and your friends and neighbors come through this safe and dry.