Glad you're on the mend Ralph! Speaking of peaches... We had an awesome crop here. Bought some really good ones in Parker county as well as down by Lake Travis. 8)
I've got the solution for you Ralph, there are hot houses for growing stuff up north in the winter, what you need is the worlds largest outdoor cooler/airconditioner/refrigerator! Hope the stone problem continues to work out for you!
Blehhhh, spent another early morning in the emergency room today getting drugged up to help survive another kidney stone event. This is getting old and not how I wanted to spend my birthday....Now they tell me the stone is 12mm in size, I may need to have a baby shower for it once I give birth.. :cry:
Ralph, how many is this now? Push your doctor for a diagnosis on the cause. The composition of the stone is very important in determining what is causing them. Quit making accurate assessments on how many I passed when it got up to 130. I still regularly pass them and will until I die. Finally a doctor ordered a scan that determined a defect that can't be repaired in the right kidney. I hope your issue is diagnosed and the stones have done their final appearance on your stage.
Good Lord I have no idea how anybody can have that many stones and survive. Two things, my heart goes out to your struggle in this and I always want you on my side of any battle, you are one tough hombre.... I agree I need to push the doctor and that's been the issue as we just haven't found a good one yet, calling a new one tomorrow. May need to go to a larger urban area to find one eventually... And to answer your question only a half dozen at this point...Appreciate you sharing your experience
Ralph, I started producing them early in my 17th trip around the sun. When Cindy had her 1st, I asked God to divert any future stone to me. So far, she has not had another. I am working on one myself at this time and thankful it is not her.