Ha! I went to bed last night completely oblivious to the Heisman award program. I woke up this morning completely unaware that the award was presented last night. My first knowledge of who won was reading Terry's above post.
Me too Sid... Had no interest. Still sad to think about what Johnny threw away with his antics. Hope he doesn't rub off on the new winner.
Was at a car club Christmas Party. Didn't get home until after midnight. Had no interest in the Heisman... haven't had all year.
I really enjoyed it and the depth of everything going on in the background. I never realized Steve Walsh was turned down by Holtz or that Johnson was butt hurt over Holtz getting the Razorback job which eventually caused him to leave...And yeah the Andre Brown catch was bogus which I forgot about which nullified the Gary ruling....The game winner was the two point conversion that never happened and the pressure that threw Walsh off a bit to mess up the rhythm. In the end the best team won that day but it was close...
I enjoyed the input of the Miami players, I had no idea that Cleveland Gary was recruited by the Ivy League, I came away liking Steve Walsh, I still don't like Jimmy Johnson though! I remember Joe Fredrick very well, he was a good player on the college level, I wonder how he found time to be a T-shirt entrepreneur. I'm also surprised that the Walsh kid wasn't expelled.
I've really been attuned to this year's Heisman race. That's why I'll be glued to the TV next Sat. night to see who wins.