I thought I'd find more commentary here on the subject. More electoral votes than W in either of his wins. It wasn't even that close, a clean win.. Interesting times ahead.
The commentary I will make was that at 01:10 central time, Hillary refused to come to the mic and speak rather she sent goober to tell people that all votes count and she is going to bed and will see what happens in the morning.Her supporters look like they had lost their best friend. Meanwhile at Trump headquarters, the crowd was chanting for them to "Call It". and 30 minutes later the biggest shock of the election came when Pennsylvania was called for Trump putting him over the 270 mark. Everyone was hoping for Michigan with little hope for Pennsylvania. So... At 01:40 in the blessed a.m., The result was official. I had been messaging with my counterparts in Taiwan and Singapore. When Donald begain his acceptance speech, I watched for about 5 minutes and couldn't hold my eyes open any longer. I crawled into bed waking Cindy. Sehe asked who won. I told her Hillary won....... a change to go to prison!!! :shock: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Now we have a chance to have a Constitutional Supreme Court rather than one that believes it can rewrite it. Will be interesting to see how things go. First thing I'd do is fire Loretta Lynch.
I went to bed much earlier than Tom, but the last show I watched was MSNBC the home of the Hillary Campaign. It was clear that things weren't going the way they thought it would go, Trump was up in Fla but they kept trying to figure out a way for the South Fla districts that were heavily democrat to make up that 140K she needed, then some goober with the big screen TV pointed out that there was a lot of votes still out in the Fla panhandle to offset that. Glazed over eyes all around, cut to James Carvell who was sweating like a pig and said this isn't going like we thought it would go. He was worried big time. At that point I think it was 140 Electoral votes Trump 109 for Clinton. I went to bed thinking that the tide would turn and Trump would lose in a closer than expected race. I was one who thought he'd get buried on election day. Didn't expect him to be close even at 10PM. To my shock and surprise when I got up this morning he was the President. Apparently the pollsters don't know crap. I think the country is finally done with the Clintons. When you think about it, back in 2008 Hillary was the presumptive Dem candidate, she was running on Bill's coat tails, didn't some even suggest you'd get 2 for 1 with Bill by her side? She was a lock. But then Oprah introduced some guy who nobody really knew much about and he proceeded to steamroll her. So her own party rejected her. Now fast forward and she's now the Nominee with all the big MO, facing a guy who every media outlet called a clown, whose own party, the RNC, the leaders in the Senate and the House, the Bushes, Romney, etc...all said they wouldn't support. Plus every day he said or did something that enraged some group, women, minorities, etc. How could she lose. Yet she did. She was unlikeable, she stirred no emotion from her backers. I have to tell you that even though I live in a Rep area in previous elections I saw lots of bumper stickers and yard signs for the Dem candidate. Hardly saw any this time. Observation: Trump is more like an Independent, he had no coattails the Rep while maintaining numbers in the House and Senate, they lost ground. So it's not like Trump will have a bunch of IOU's to lean on when dealing with them, and as I said many of them openly opposed him. So I think we are going to see a lot more bipartisan opposition to him than before. It's not a rubber stamp Congress. Where we will see important cooperation between the Congress and the President is in Supreme Court nominee's. That is the thing I was most afraid of with a Clinton Presidency, the continued liberalization of the Court. Now that will be reversed. Thank God. Going to be an interesting 4 years.
Stunning result Corey. Pa, Mi, and Wi last voted for a Republican candidate when I was a young man. And Trump won those states while many Republicam leaders in each state refused or only tepidly endorsed him. In looking at the total vote, it looks like Clinton will win the popular vote by over a million votes due to huge margins in the Pacific Coast and Eastern Seaboard states. Trumps total vote was comparable to Romney''s but Clinton underperformed Obama's vote total by at least 7 million votes. The hard left wing of the Democratic party are now blaming the Democratic "establishment" for the defeat while the populist wing of the Republican party is shoving crow into the face of the establishmentarian Repubs who sat on the sideline this election. Interesting times ahead.
Oh yeah... Recreational pot referendums passed in California, Nevada, and Massachusetts, and one will most likely pass in Maine. The only one that failed was in Arizona. So after this, pot will be legal on the entire west coast, Nevada, Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Maine. I'm sure that the number of states allowing it is going to continue to grow. It's still illegal though, and the Obama Feds just choose to ignore it. I can't imagine the Feds suddenly enforcing the law.
1. Bold move on the prank with Cindy. She may cut you. Hillary still hasn't managed to give that press conference. I know a lot of people throw around 'trust issues' with nuke codes and Trump, but the longer this drags out, the more of a cluster f*ck the Clinton campaign appears to be. 2. Scott, agreed. 3. Bobda, he swung through the blue wall like Miley Cyrus riding a wrecking ball. I rather enjoyed the panicked coverage in which they seemingly tried to will votes to appear. I honestly view Trump as more of an independent candidate. The GOP abandoned the dude. The Democrats obviously attacked him and mocked him at every corner. He owes no one anything. He earned this win, from bottom to top. If the GOP was smart, they'd get aboard the Trump train and get things accomplished. The Democrats are going to try to dig in and right now, the GOP has the numbers. Numbers that should have served as a wake up call for the establishment of both parties.
When almost all of the counties in the ET zone of Florida had reported and Trump was up about 100k votes, I told her right there that Florida was his due to the Panhandle vote. The news delayed (rightfully so) because Broward County hadn't yet finished all their precincts. There was no way the remaining votes in Broward were going to offset the panhandle, unless they were fabricating votes as the CT zone started reporting. At about 1200, when the news outlets weren't willing to call PA, MI, WI (except Fox) and AZ, I started pulling the precinct reports myself to watch when the line was reached in which there were fewer votes remaining than Hillary needed to pull out the win. At about 1230 that line was crossed in WI and then at about 1300 in PA. After Podesta gave his "we're going to bed" speech, I went to bed knowing that, without some further shenanigans, Hillary was done. Every step of the way, Trump has had to fight an uphill battle: - against the establishment Right, defeating every other one of the "same ol'" in Washington candidates - against the MSM and Hollywood "elite", who cast him as a buffoon, clown, racist, misogynist, Hitler, with a hair-trigger that will send nukes off at the smallest slight - against the current ruling party that has played fast and loose with the rules and, according to Wikileaks emails, has played an active role in guiding the DOJ and FBI responses to Clinton's actions, as well as playing an active, subversive role in shaping the primaries, among other things - against the rest of the Left, who mocked and attacked he and his supporters He beat them all, HANDILY. He definitely has a message that resonates and is now beholden to nobody. Nobody took him seriously, even as he was trending stronger than all expectations AS THE RETURNS CAME IN. I am very thankful that Hillary will not get to stack the Supreme Court, which was my #1 issue. I am very nervous with the person that had to be elected in order to accomplish that. I have every confidence that he CAN be good for the nation. I am not confident that he will allow himself to be, or that the MSM, again, will allow him to be.
MCG survived the Bush years, the election of several Fla Gov's that he was against and the downfall of the Gators after Urban Meyer. I doubt if this is more than a blip on the radar for him.
Kes..I have read that Johnson stole votes from Hillary in PA and Wisconsin and that might have been enough to turn the tide against her. Not sure if anybody has verified that yet or made that conclusion. My source was just another poster on a Longhorn board.
Had to comment when I read I survived the Bush years. I would say the implosion at the end of his years cost me over $700,000 in potential lost earnings, home equity and 401-K investment. And at 62 I'm running out of time to fix it. So let's hope that Trump can indeed make it great again for all of us and not just be some kind of Jerry Springer freak sideshow that sets us back behind the eight ball and is a cause for national embarassment. But... just like my situation.... it is what it is.
I'd bet Johnson stole from both sides. A LOT of folks were averse to both choices and voiced it through the 3rd party.
So I was basically right! I didn't say you survived them happily and intact financially! 8) Besides the Great Recession hurt a lot of people, Bush supporters included...like me.
T - in Pennsylvania right now, Trump has 68,236 more counted votes than Hillary. Johnson has 142,653. It is possible that 48% of those would have pulled the handle for her if forced to choose. It's also possible that a third were so disenchanted, that they would have likely stayed home if forced. Then, counting the rest of the votes and it's very tenuous argument to make that they all would have gone to her. In Wiconsin, it's a little different because the spread was only 27,359 and Gary had 106,434. There, though, consider that all the rest of the third-partiers ended with 46,518, including over 30k for Jill. How do you argue that they would have gone that heavily for her, considering his strength along the rust belt? In Michigan, the spread was 12,686, with over 172k for Gary. If you want to play that game, Hillary won Minnesota by 42,744. Evan mcMullin pulled 53,022. I would wager Evan pulled a higher percent of otherwise-Trump-voters than Johnson did otherwise-Hillary-voters. It is possible that Gary pulled more from her than him, but not assured. And he only needed Pennsylvania OR Michigan OR Wisconsin/Arizona.
Hillary has given her concession speech. She said all the right things. Very classy speech. I do not like her politics, and have entire mental-library stacks about what she's done and how, but she's not wrong in what she said and I do commend her for it.
A picture of the possible future of the country if this voter group maintains it's democratic party loyalty. It's what would the election look like if only the votes of the 18-25 y/o group were counted.