In hospital after knee replacent today. Doing great. Very little pain. Home tomorrow. Point is, the TV remote is one of those wired hospital bed type things...and I can't seem to quit pointing it at the TV when changing channels. ( Sports related. I'm watching sports.) :lol:
True story. This morning getting up and ready to leave the house at 6:00 I suddenly got an "ear worm". Could not get it out odd my head.
Stu I wish you a speedy recovery and the realization that there is a cable hooked up to that thing....
By the way you were getting around pretty damm good during our visit, the meds you were on must have been good....
God speed Stu. Hope it goes exactly as expected and you're out chasing those little white balls in no time.
Been through that twice myself Stu. You will question your decision for a few months and then You will begin to realize it was the best medical decision you ever made. Listen to the physical therapist and follow their direction.
Thanks guys. Really happy with how today went. I walked already. And thanks Tom...I plan on working the rehab hard regardless of pain. Was religiously doing preoperative exercises. Then my back went kerflooey and I stopped doing all those band exercises and squats so my back would be able to recover for the postoperative exercises...and it has. So ok. I kept swimming half mile a day cuz it didn't bother my back. Then I got swimmers ear 2 weeks ago. Best laid plans...
You'll be fine. Back on the course in no time. Do your rehab exercises and don't think that it's the pain meds. Trump is really on the edge.
Stu, you're doing all the right things, even if the results are not always what you aim for. You have an attitude of perseverance, which bodes for the success of your rehab.
Home...doing pain at all except when doing the exercises...then it's a bitch...especially first thing in the morning. Might be too personal...but went off Percocet because hadn't had a BM in 2 and a half days (unheard of for me. :shock That problem now over so debating whether to restart them or not. Probably would help me tolerate the stretching better. First outpatient rehab appointment tomorrow.
Yikes..2.5 days! Tried eating a lot of bran muffins? There is some research that indicates that a combination of Advil and Tylenol is as good as Vicodin for dental pain. But not as good as Percodan/Percocet .
Advil (ibuprofen) used to do a great job of any dental pain that was afflicted on me....but then I developed an allergy to it (unusual, I know). I can take other NSAIDs but they don't seem to work as well for me. Part of the 2 and a half days was because I went on clear liquids the day before surgery and didn't have anything solid to eat until dinner the night after the operation. But still....
Everyone I know that had a knee replacement, my wife had both done, has felt much better after it was all over. I had a hip replacement 15 months ago and it was really worth it also. Godspeed.
Thanks, guys... Last night was worst time so far...finished my first rehab session exhausted and with not just the knee hurting but my back as well... but feeling pretty good this morning. Did my exercises early so now can relax and watch some football today.