I posted this in the Week 10 topic then deleted it and will paste in this new topic: On the Hurd issue... This is very strange... Reports are coming to light that his problems started in the Florida game. His mother was arrested during that game. She was disorderly in the stands and was being escorted out when she assaulted the escorting officer and was arrested. Hurd apparently thought that his position on the team should have excused her conduct. Jones has not said so publicly but it has leaked from several sourses inside the team that from that point, Hurd had become a cancer to the team. Sources say that we should see a new spark in the team unity for the rest of the season. Oh, on another note. The idiot coach from Memphis left a voice mail on what he thought was Hurd's cell phone enticing him to come visit the campus and join the team. It wasn't Hurd's phone but was another member of the team that maid the voicemail public. If he let his disappointment about no help for his mother affect the team this way, he needed to go before now.
Sorry to hear that Tom. You can't get that kind of guy out of your locker room fast enough. The Aggies had this problem last year with Kyler Murray. The team packed his stuff and left it outside the door. Look at us now. Totally different dynamic, and I'm sure the Vols will get a similar boost. :!: