Bada bing a day late but hope yesterday was good for you! I tried to get TommyZ to visit him and deliver the above cake but he was busy yesterday. Terry
Thanks guys! Yes, my age now matches my high school uniform number, 53. I spent the day at sea off of Stuart, Florida fishing and at dinner with my lovely wife. The rest is on a "need to know" basis! As I write this I'm sitting in West Palm Beach airport, staring at a 2hr30min flight delay. I guess the weather id pretty bad up north. Sam Sneads bar, here I come!
Happy birthday, Godfather. As you requested, I have baked a cake for this occasion. (Get it?.....Baker....baked a cake....... :? ).
I'm still sitting here in PBI. Only now I will need assistance to find the gate if my flight ever leaves. Bartender!
Na Zdrowie !! Another round for the Godfather ! What's the telephone # there? I'm buying the next round! :lol:
Didn't know that but I've "knee-capped a few slow payers myself. :wink: Still here. I'm am now in a wheelchair with a beer in each hand. Bartender! May be leaving at 5:00P.
I'll look for you on the late news, passenger escorted from plane after grabbing stewardesses ass!! Terry