That would be me, I dissed him after he dissed Tim Gentry. I like Joel, but that day he really pissed me off, I probably should have held my tongue. I'm over it, and I hope Joel comes back.
JIFs been ornery lately. He has been after me on two forums for the Yankees and the Irish. You're my boy, JIF. Time to give it a rest.
I figured it was me with the gun discussions. I sent him a FaceBook message asking what was up and he has ignored it. Oh well...
:cry: I love that elderly gentleman and George he loves you the best. He thrives on the teasing just like you do with him. When he told me he was leaving he wouldn't say why. I tried to keep him here and if he reads this.. Please come back Jiff. I know I still have you on FB but we need you here to.... Maybe a few should read how he teases me and the Irish but I know his heart is good he just likes to tease. LOVE YOU JIFF
Tell JIF to sack up and get back here. He will dish it out to folks, but runs when someone flips the table back in his direction.