It doesn't change the fact that the Patriots are cheaters. It just means that Teflon Tom gets to play. I don't have a problem with the decision, but I'm sure Roger Goodell does.
Well one thing that did come out of this and it's a good thing, the NFL now has established procedures on how the ball is handled. Before this they didn't do much and were certainly susceptible to the ball being manipulated to the QB's desires. No more. One thing I do expect though is like the season they played after getting caught cheating with the video, they did everything they could to destroy each team on their schedule. I'll bet this year will be the same, if they get you down they will grind you into the dirt if they can.
ahhhhhh its so tough being number one!! btw T....this patriot team is totally rebuilt this year...Tight ends..running backs...D backs. Ill settle for a win without grinding down opponents.
,,,call it the "genius" that is Bill...drafting trading building a winning team. Has nothing to do with bills Miami jets being weak. when Bill and Tom hang it up, others will get a chance.
From what I have read about ball inflation the NFL should have taken the action they just took to protect the balls a long time ago. The NFL blew this big time and it will likely affect how they deal with other players going forward. I don't think they win the appeal.
Mums the word.
Have the league provide all footballs for all games. Why should the team get to provide their own footballs? :?:
The Deflatriots have lost 2nd and 4th round draft picks and have paid a $1 million fine. In addition, they've lost whatever respect they had from people outside of the bubble called New England. Tom Deflady will play, but his legacy will be forever stained by incident.
To me, the real issue here is that the precedent has now been set that you can take your NFL suspension to the court of law. This guy may be known as the commissioner who lost control of the league. I'm not sure the owners have thought about this just yet, but the implications are nearly endless. We may have a league where the commissioner and owners are powerless.
Corey you're so right. The definition of the word "reasonable" is not exact. Every time the commissioner makes a ruling the player will run to federal court claiming that the punishment is unreasonable. And if the courts get tired of these suits they have only themselves to blame. Rarely to the courts and sports mix. I lost all hope when the Supreme Court decided that they knew more about golf than Palmer and Nicklaus. I actually heard Jim Grey describe Judge Berman as being "courageous." That's a laugh. Federal judges are appointed for life. They believe that they are one small level below God. They can enjoin the US government. They routinely thwart the will of a majority of voters substituting their own value system. Having lived in California, you know what I'm talking about.
Oh absolutely. I feel bad about all this but I'm awful happy that I'm college football fan first because the NFL is going to get silly. How about guys like Adrian Peterson? He well could wind up suing for damages to his 'brand' which kill his advertising value. It's just a big can of worms. I have a feeling we'll find out just how powerful Jerry is.... that's the only thing that'll save the league.. corruption.