Since Tom and Cindy are going to be taking bike trips and cruising all year, he isn't going to be doing our (other) NASCAR league this year. I figure mebbe he isn't going to want to do the Skybox one either, so I set the league up. ID is #8101. Password is br549 Hope Tom and Cindy have a great year!
Bill, sorry, I forgot that you were in our other league last year. I would have sent you the password and ID. Actually I just tried (in case you change your mind) but I'm having trouble, apparently, with sending private messages. If anyone else wants to join (about 30-35 guys total...$50 10 get paid out) let me know.
Come one...come all. Time is running out. Daytona 500 is Sunday. Only seven guys signed up. I think I'm guaranteed a top 10 finish! :!:
I watched the last 25 laps of the Race Sat Night, there was a confrontation after the race, it's seems to happen a lot in NASCAR. In fact the TV camera's went right to that over coverage of the winner. Has this sort of become like fights in Hockey? Even Danica Patrick gets in her competitors grill after races.
Stu, As for that picture, Cindy is a self proclaimed bitch but she does not ride bitch. :lol: She has her own bike... make that trike. Saw the report on Kyle Bush. Devistating crash! My Bike Her Trike
(Ahem)...Stu's Cats takes first place with an almost INSURMOUNTABLE six point lead over his youngest son at second... The remainder of the season is hereby called off and we will now finish the contest as it stands.
I watched the last 25 laps, quite a finish. The guys in the booth kept predicting a wreck, racing three wide, and sure enough it did. Chevy dominated but Ford got the win.
Oh yeah and I guess it's a good thing that Danica got through that mess and finished other wise she'd have whupped up on Jeff Gordon in the Pits!
He was doin' alright...just in the wrong place at the wrong time and got wrecked. Las Vegas hasn't been his best track, though.
The long season is over with. Kyle Busch wins the championship and Jeff Gordon retires with class. I'll miss watching him race. PJ in Jersey