Daniels is out for the spring only at this point. No cheating apparently, just not keeping his grades up. Lots of drama under Kelly, that's for sure.
Well one thing for sure it will open up some things for guys like Fuller and Robinson. Plus there has always been this undercurrent that Daniels loafs a lot during practice and hasn't taken his studies seriously. He has a load of talent, but unlike real stars like Jerry Rice and Tim Brown who truly worked on their craft, he's just strollin' along.
Matt Dickerson is offically gone....UCLA is the new destination. F those guys and F that lying sack of Sheet Jim Mora.
Dying relatives are turning into quite the recruiting boom for the Bruins at the expense of ND.... something is off here.
:roll: re: dying relatives This is another kid who lives in NoCal choosing UCLA, because he wants to "stay close to his family."
OK so I don't want to come off as uncaring and crass as I don't know the whole situation. His dad has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer. No clue as to what stage or anything. If it's an early diagnosis the treatment is pretty straight forward and highly successful, dad is hardly likely to miss a beat. But if the family wants him close by, then as JO'Co pointed out UCLA isn't exactly close by. But doesn't matter any way, if the kid wants to stay on the coast for what ever the reason, that's why you can't count on these kids till they actually show up on campus. Oh and just to really make your day....Troy Nikklas has declared for the NFL. I am so completely shocked by this, not that Troy isn't an NFL talent, but that he would leave before he got his degree. I know of course he can come back and get it, even Jimmy Clausen came back and got his degree. But I thought his family valued education very highly, his uncles (Clay and Bruce Matthews) both got their degrees from USC, their sons have all stayed in college till they got their degrees and I figured Troy would as well, hell he went to an elite private catholic school that was bound to have cost his parents some coin. Also I do think that Troy could have improved his draft status by coming back, he's physical specimen for sure and with a great Sr. year could maybe have been a #1 draft choice, I'll bet he'll be a 3rd round draft choice this year, plus the offense is going to be really good next year I think and he'd have been a big part of it. Not too worry as we have a couple of freshmen TE's that didn't play this year who should be very good as well and more TE's coming in Sept in Latua and Weishar. Still he will be missed.
Don't get the Nikklas move at all. Just don't see enough for him to be drafted high. Oh well, wish him the best....
The Nikklas move surprises me, but then I guess I shouldn't be surprised what people will do for money. As far as the UCLA/NoCal/close to home situation. I know a lot of folks in these parts don't always get it because they don't realize just how big California is. I was explaining it to a guy today who follows recruiting closely. He said 'well, the boy wants to stay close to family. What's so fishy about that?' So I told him... imagine a kid from Shreveport, Louisiana going to play at Alabama because he wants to be close to his family. He was shocked. I told him to look it up. He came back here a minute ago totally gassed. I told him we only want kids who want us, but now he knows why that's a totally ******** excuse. If he wanted to be close to home, he'd play at Cal, Stanford, SJSU etc. Those teams, I'm sure, would be glad to have him.
ND <t>The Niklas move is just stupid to me. Who ever gave him that advice is not acting in his best interest. As far as the kid who decomitted to go to UCLA.....sorry but he really didn't want to go to ND or he would have found a way to make it happen and NO, I'm not buying that story.</t>
The Irish don't suck and it appears UAH is not having a good day. If they can get a crew that will let them play physical along the boards while turning a blind eye to a bit of clutch and grab, the ND hockey team can play with most anyone. They struggle outside of that element though. All, So I was reading the ND blog for SBNation (onefootdown, or something like that). Jeez Louise, it's like the Vagina Monologues over there...but with less testosterone. There's all this bitching and moaning about ND going to Under Armour because these GD fan boys are all Nike fans. They are posting tweets from kids complaining and openly worrying about kids jumping ship because of our 'branding.' A few thoughts: 1. F*ck Nike 2. Under Armour, for football, builds an absolutely superior product. One of the best ways to tell this is to watch what kids are wearing who aren't getting paid to wear it. Here in football country, UA is just taking over the high schools on down. My son's high school is a "Nike school" (I'm not kidding), so unless something changes next season, he'll have to start wearing all Nike products provided by the school. If you give him a choice, as I have since he started playing, he will choose UA 10 times out of 10. I'd guess-timate that his teammates would do the same.. not all, but upwards of 90%. The only guys who are 'Nike guys' are generally kids who also play AAU basketball. For those who don't know, AAU is the unofficial/official sponsor of AAU basketball. They are told from the time they can dribble that they only wear Nike. Then they see their role models wearing Nike. It becomes a thing. 3. UA will have to improve their line for the other sports. UA is sub-par for sports like soccer. This isn't f*cking Auburn, the other sports matter and 2nd rate quality won't cut it. If UA has done one thing in their brief history, it's improve to meet demand. I suspect they won't miss on this. When contracted to make the Olympic bobsled, skeleton, luge, speed skating etc suits.. they didn't mess around. They teamed up with Lockheed Martin to develop the most aerodynamic suits made in the world. They don't market technology, they embrace it. 4. UA has proven, to date, to be a highly ethical company leading the way in green industries. Academics eat this **** up and moral code resonates deep in the soul of the Admin at ND...as it does with most of the alums. Plainly speaking, UA is the industry leader in this regard. http://www.thunderbird.edu/blog/fac...-the-under-armour-a-green-and-ethical-company 5. Far, far too often.. Notre Dame is considered 'a step behind' the times for these past several years. They aren't often seen as an innovator or on the cutting edge, and when they do, it's usually scandalous. (at least in the last 30 years). Under Armour is the new kid on the block, daring to do things their way and thumbing their nose at the competition. To date: UA's 'big dog' clients are Auburn and South Carolina.. not busting anyone's chops, but they aren't big dogs in the grand scheme of things. I had read a rumor a year ago in a business mag about UA targeting high profile programs. In terms of money spent, they're the little brother to Adidas and Nike and they're way behind. This could be something really awesome, or it'll be the next Walter Peyton wearing Kangaroos. Either way, it's apparel...it's merchandising, it's income. It shouldn't impact football recruiting, unless grown ass men who don't realize they are grown ass men start interviewing these kids and making it an issue.. and that's a concern of mine.
Corey, Northwestern switched to UA and I think that their football uniforms and fan gear are the best in the B10 in terms of design and quality. They seem to strike a good balance between the competing values of creativity and adherence to tradition. Sometimes they fail badly --e.g. Maryland's state flag helmet and uniforms and the tribute to Wounded Warriors uniform that NU wore against Michigan this year--but overall their designs are much more creatively tasteful to the crap pushed out by Adidas or the trendy bizarre products issued by Nike in recent years. Michigan is an Adidas school but there is a good deal of sentiment that we should switch to UA although there are still a lot of Nike boosters as the Nike uniforms and gear of the 1990s and early 2000s were usually very well done. Almost all fans who have written about the issue agree that we need to move away from Adidas who changed our colors from maize and blue to highlighter yellow and blue.
Whoever is responsible for the Maryland helmets should be fired! PS Edited on my laptop, I can't type well on my phone yet. :lol:
KP, Yeah, I think the new guys got a bit ahead of themselves there. Bobda, I believe you guys just signed a huge deal with Adidas and that deal may have caused some friction between ND and Adidas. I like Adidas sportswear. It's long been my favorite brand, but I was also a soccer guy. I never liked their baseball stuff. I never really liked their football stuff. Whenever I saw their 'Shamrock Series' stuff, it just felt like something a Euro with no working knowledge of American football would come up with. I did notice your strange color shift. It took Adidas a while, but I thought they finally got back in the ball park with ND... seriously, how hard is it to keep Maize and Blue or Navy Blue and Bright Gold straight?!?! I know my nephew wore UA gear for football this year and last. My son wears nothing but, if you give him the choice. I have to admit, whenever I get something for him, I can't help but thinking "WOW, where the hell was this when I was playing?" I'm not sure how UA will do in the other sports. Their baseball gear isn't bad, but they need to upgrade their shoe line across the board. The football gear is flat out the best on the market. The level of lightweight, yet incredibly sturdy protection of their undergarments is unmatched. I'm curious to see how they'd do if they ever decided to get into the helmet manufacturing market.