Abolute embarrasing BB by the Cards last night. Mental errors, lousy at bats (Probably because of the doctored ball , and just no effort. Beltran is sore, but XRays were negative....great catch BTW Carlos.... Have to agree with Corey about the lefty pitching....but we do have some effective lefty's in the BP.... Wacha Wacha tonite....a young spitfire of a kid who so far hasn't flinched much.... The bats HAVE to get going.....I'm sure that has been discussed in the locker room already.... Lots of times when there's a blowout like this in BB....the other team comes back with a win, but a close one at that..... Game 2 soon to come....
I hate to say that this kid 'has to win' but he really does need to go deep and have a strong showing. If he gets shelled, I think the Cards are in big trouble.
Well, the chicken was a little thin and tuff....but edible none the less....the Wacha Mocha milkshake made it easier to wash it down with....
JIF is on FaceBook claiming that the Cardinals cheated last night. He said it was reported on ESPN this morning that they had an individual stealing pitch sign in the CF bleachers and relaying by flashing light to the batter. I did not see that report and there is n o mention of it on ESPN.com Also, it would seem to me that flashig light signals to a batter from CF would be more of a distraction than a help and easily detectable. Then again, this is Boston, home of perhaps one of the greatest cheaters in sports in Bill Belicheck, so maybe JIF knows what he's talking about. 8)
I checked all the hospitals and clinics in the greater Providence - Waldwick area using a 25 miles perimeter. There was no unusual activity reported at T.F. Green airport. And then he finally reported in with this on FB : "One of the worse calls in Baseball history..surely at least in 70 years I have been watching! Middlebrooks was merely attempting to get up off the ground. He had no intention to "block" the base runner." I can understand his angst. The only thing I can say is that the home plate ump did not hesitate a second with his call. Who was the third baseman? Was that Hillbilly Jim or Brother Levi from Breaking Amish?
a lot of people who aren't pulling for the Cards thought that call was terrible. The umpire's conviction, or lack of hesitation doesn't make it any more right or wrong. Regardless of everyone's opinion, it's in the past and we're onto game 4
I just saw a replay of THE call. There is no question in my mind that the 3B intentionally raised his legs to interfere with the runner. HOWEVER, it's moot. Even if he had not raised his legs and the interference was unintentional, it was a correct call according to the rules. I don't care who wins the series. I like both teams. Tonight, in an amazingly ironic twist, the last out of the game was a pickoff of the Cardinal pinch runner at first base.