Global Warming Hoax

Discussion in 'The Back Room' started by JO'Co, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    UK Climate Change Czar Recants, Admits Global Warming Not Caused By Humans…
    Light dawns over Marblehead.

    Via Telegraph:

    Humans may not be responsible for global warming, according to Tim Yeo, the MP who oversees government policy on climate change.

    The chairman of the Commons Energy and Climate Change committee said he accepts the earth’s temperature is increasing but said “natural phases” may be to blame.

    Such a suggestion sits at odds with the scientific consensus. One recent survey of 12,000 academic papers on climate change found 97 per cent agree human activities are causing the planet to warm.

    Mr Yeo, an environment minister under John Major, is one of the Conservative Party’s strongest advocates of radical action to cut carbon emissions. His comments are significant as he was one of the first senior figures to urge the party to take the issue of environmental change seriously.

    He insisted such action is “prudent” given the threat climate change poses to living standards worldwide. But, he said, human action is merely a “possible cause”.

    Asked on Tuesday night whether it was better to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change than to prevent it in the first place, he said: “The first thing to say is it does not represent any threat to the survival of the planet. None at all. The planet has survived much bigger changes than any climate change that is happening now.

    He went on: “Although I think the evidence that the climate is changing is now overwhelming, the causes are not absolutely clear. There could be natural causes, natural phases that are taking place.”
  2. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Top White House Climate Change Adviser Vows Obama Will Crackdown On Global Warming Skepticism: “The Era Of Denial Is Over”…
    What are they going to do, start rounding up global warming skeptics and put them into re-education camps?

    Via E2 Wire:

    President Obama’s top climate adviser on Wednesday vowed that “meaningful” action on global warming was coming soon.

    Heather Zichal, the deputy assistant to the president on energy and climate change, said she didn’t want to get “in front of the big man” and unveil specific plans during an event in Washington, D.C., hosted by The New Republic.

    She spoke broadly, however, of bolstering energy efficiency, expanding clean energy on public lands and using various “tools” — including the Clean Air Act — to address climate.

    Zichal’s comments come as speculation grows that the administration is preparing sweeping climate change proposals. Bloomberg reported that Obama has told donors he will take action next month.

    Capitol Hill has been left guessing what the White House is cooking up on climate, though Zichal’s comments shed some light on the plan.

    Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, told The Hill on Tuesday that he understands Obama will reveal his actions “soon.”

    The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee also skirted the climate debate in its Water Resources Development Act legislation. Lawmakers steered conversation toward the impact extreme weather events have on coastal infrastructure.

    While such congressional activity does not address the reasons climate change is occurring, Zichal said it shows GOP lawmakers acknowledge there is a problem.

    “The era of delay and denial is over,” she said.
  3. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Dem Sen. Brian Schatz Files Amendment To Immigration Bill Granting Legal Status To People Displaced By “Climate Change”…
    I propose an amendment to take in refugees who are being terrorized by the Abominable Snowman.

    Via ThinkProgress:

    Senator Brian Schatz’s (D-HI) filed an amendment for the immigration bill Wednesday that would allow stateless people in the U.S. to seek conditional lawful status if their nations have been made uninhabitable by climate change.

    The Senate’s immigration bill currently recognizes that people who come to the U.S. may have no country to return to for a variety of reasons and allows them to come forward to apply for legal status as a stateless person. But one cause for displacement that is overlooked in current law is how climate change has caused people to lose their homes and their nationality.

    Noting that climate change is not some “abstract challenge,” but is already displacing people across the world, Schatz explained:

    The amendment I am proposing is quite simple. If enacted, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, may designate individuals or a group of individuals displaced permanently by climate change as stateless persons.

    Again, let me be clear about what this amendment does. It simply recognizes that climate change, like war, is one of the most significant contributors to homelessness in the world. And like with states torn apart and made uninhabitable by war, we have an obligation not to deport people back to a country made uninhabitable by sea level rise and other extreme environmental changes that render these states desolate. It does not grant any individual or group of individuals outside the United States with any new status or avenue for seeking asylum in the United States.
  4. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Meteorologist: Trends Indicate Global Warming Models “Fundamentally Wrong”
    Via Daily Caller:

    In an interview with the German news publication Der Spiegel, meteorologist Hans von Storch said that scientists are so puzzled by the 15-year standstill in global warming that if the trend continues their models could be “fundamentally wrong.”

    “If things continue as they have been, in five years, at the latest, we will need to acknowledge that something is fundamentally wrong with our climate models,” Storch told Der Spiegel. “A 20-year pause in global warming does not occur in a single modeled scenario. But even today, we are finding it very difficult to reconcile actual temperature trends with our expectations.”

    Environmentalists have been increasingly calling on President Obama to address global warming before it becomes irreversible. The World Bank reported that global temperatures could rise by 4 degrees Celsius over the next century if greenhouse gas emissions aren’t brought under control. Many world leaders are committed to limit the increase to 2 degrees Celsius.

    “The scientists tell us that if the world warms by two degrees Centigrade (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) — warming which may be reached in 20 to 30 years — that will cause widespread food shortages, unprecedented heat waves, and more intense cyclones,” said World Bank president Jim Yong Kim in a statement.

    Yet global warming skeptics have pointed to a halt in global warming about 15 years ago. Climate scientists have recently started lowering their warming forecasts.

    “There are two conceivable explanations — and neither is very pleasant for us,” said Storch. “The first possibility is that less global warming is occurring than expected because greenhouse gases, especially CO2, have less of an effect than we have assumed. This wouldn’t mean that there is no man-made greenhouse effect, but simply that our effect on climate events is not as great as we have believed.”

    “The other possibility is that, in our simulations, we have underestimated how much the climate fluctuates owing to natural causes,” Storch added.
  5. WSU1996kesley

    WSU1996kesley Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 1999
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    The moving target, global warming defender's greatest ally. Yes, if the diversion from their sacred model hits 20 years straight, THAT is when it is fundamentally flawed. Let's look in five years, don't worry about the 15 years straight that it has been shown to be WRONG, let's give it another five years. My hell.
  6. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Global Climate Change is just a natural progression of radical environmentalism. Where did it all start? What kind of impact has it had. What has killed more human beings Radical Islam or Radical Environmentalism?
  7. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was required reading at the university that I multiple classes.
  8. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Goracle: “Total Amount Of Man-Made Global Warming” Is Equal To “400,000 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs Going Off Every Single Day”…
    How zero temperature growth over the last 15 years translates to 400,000 Hiroshama bombs every day is beyond me.

    ( – In a Google “Hangout” aired online on June 13, former Vice President and global warming activist Al Gore said “carbon polluters” are expelling enough “extra energy” to equal almost a half million atomic bombs going off every day.

    “The total amount of man-made global warming pollution surrounding the planet and the atmosphere today now traps enough extra energy every 24 hours to equal the energy release by 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs going off every single day,” Gore said.

    “Collectively, we put 90 million tons of global warming pollution into the atmosphere every 24 hours,” Gore explained. “Twenty percent of it will still be there 10,000 years from now. It’s adding up.”
  9. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Scientist Tells Dem Senators During Hearing There Is No Evidence Linking Global Warming To Extreme Weather…
    Still won’t stop them from making those claims.

    Via Daily Caller:

    In a Senate hearing Thursday, environmental scientist Roger Pielke of the University of Colorado said it’s “incorrect” to claim that global warming is spurring more extreme weather disasters.

    “It is misleading and just plain incorrect to claim that disasters associated with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or droughts have increased on climate timescales either in the United States or globally,” Pielke said in his testimony before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. “It is further incorrect to associate the increasing costs of disasters with the emission of greenhouse gases.”

    “Hurricanes have not increased in the U.S. in frequency, intensity or normalized damage since at least 1900,” Pielke added. “The same holds for tropical cyclones globally since at least 1970.”

    Senate Democrats pointed to the increase in extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes as evidence of global warming. California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer said that “climate change is real” and human activities were the cause, adding that people can “look out the window” to see evidence of it.

    “Heat waves, droughts, wildfires and floods — all are now more frequent and intense,” said President Barack Obama in his State of the Union address.

    Pielke, however, notes that U.S. floods have not increased in “frequency or intensity” since 1950 and economic losses from floods have dropped by 75 percent as a percentage of GDP since 1940. Tornado frequency, intensity, and normalized damages have also not increased since 1950, and Pielke even notes that there is some evidence that this has declined.

    Pielke noted in his testimony that droughts have been shorter, less frequent, and have covered a smaller portion of the U.S over the last century. Globally, there has been very little change in the last 60 years, he said.
  10. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Harry Reid Blames Wildfires Caused By Lightning On Global Warming…
    A) There has been no global warming over the last 15 years. B) The number of wildfires has dropped dramatically since 2011.

    Via Fox News:

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is pleading for more spending on fire prevention as his home state of Nevada endures widespread wildfires, and says “climate change” is to blame for the devastating blazes.

    “The West is burning,” Reid said Wednesday.

    According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Nevada Democrat said the conditions that help the fires spread are fueled by climate change.

    “Why are we having them? Because we have climate change. Things are different. The forests are drier, the winters are shorter, and we have these terrible fires all over the West,” he said.

    The biggest fire in the area, in Elko County, was sparked by lightning. Reid, though, argues that drier conditions keep them burning longer than they used to.

    The data on the subject is mixed. Those who point to climate change as the culprit say the fires are bigger than they used to be.

    The Review-Journal, though, reported that National Interagency Fire Center stats show the actual number of wildfires has been on the decline — from 40,736 wildfires this time in 2011 to 25,370 in July 2013.

    The biggest fire, the lightning-sparked Cattle Guard fire, has burned an estimated 2,500 acres near Owyhee, mostly on reservation land. No structures are threated. Full containment is expected by Thursday.
  11. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    I'm amazed at the statistic. Even 25,000 wildfires in less than 7 months is an awful number.
  12. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    What the politicians were missing was the fact that forest fires are a natural event. Many of these large pine trees have seeds that are only opened by extreme heat. In other words, they need a forest fire to regrow the forest. The forest management policies of both parties has been to have zero forest fires for the last 100 years. This has resulted in vast western territories building up fuel that explode into massive, unmanageable fire storms that burn out of control for weeks.

    Natural forest fires need to be part of the plan, but neither party has the guts to say so...
  13. JO'Co

    JO'Co Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    What Global Warming? Government’s 2012 Data Confirms Earth In Cooling Trend…
    Will OFA award the NOAA their “climate denier award” for publishing data showing a cooling trend?

    Via CNS News:

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently released its “State of the Climate in 2012” report, which states that “worldwide, 2012 was among the 10 warmest years on record.”

    But the report “fails to mention [2012] was one of the coolest of the decade, and thus confirms the cooling trend,” according to an analysis by climate blogger Pierre Gosselin.

    “To no one’s surprise, the report gives the reader the impression that warming is galloping ahead out of control,” writes Gosselin. “But their data shows just the opposite.”

    Although the NOAA report noted that in 2012, “the Arctic continues to warm” with “sea ice reaching record lows,” it also stated that the Antarctica sea ice “reached a record high of 7.51 million square miles” on Sept. 26, 2012.

    And the latest figures for this year show that there’s been a slowdown of melting in the Arctic this summer as well, with temperatures at the North Pole well below normal for this time of year. Meteorologist Joe Bastardi calls it “the coldest ever recorded.”
  14. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    And more news on Global Cooling. If we don't increase our carbon usage and create some warming, we might all be doomed. Tear down those windmills :D
  15. vicm

    vicm New Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Gip, arctic ice melting doesn't affect sea level. Would be interested to know if this cooling is world wide.
  16. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Whoa! It always does in those Hollywood movies. :)
  17. vicm

    vicm New Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Yeah, Gip. Hollywood never lets physics get in the way. Actually, I think I am giving them too much credit. They are, in many ways, just ignorant. Never heard of floating objects displacing their own weight in water.