The Steinbrenner Boyz and Brain Cashman are n ot going to let this potential lucky windfall pass by without a fight. Once again tied to PEDs, the Yanks are looking at any and all possibilities to void his contract and get out from under. Just another guy who will never see the inside of the HOF unless he buys a ticket.
Void his know that will bring the entire Union down on the Yankees even if they have pictures of him with needles in his arm.
Baseball is in a tough spot and the players union is primarily responsible. I think if the Yanks can cut this guy they will and the union will only give token resistance.
The union can't let that happen. This is the same union who wouldn't let him sign with the Sox for less money.
We are looking at an entire generation of players with enormous stats who will nver make the HOF and rightfully so. MLB is on the cusp of "WWE" status if they do not collectively clean things up with the cooperation of the players union.