This was a duplicate of my post above and I have no idea how that happened. So I hit the x to delete it and think I deleted someone else's post. It was an accident and if you post is missing please say what you had to say again and accept my apology.
Actually I thought WM was tame compared to what I thought he could have been given the unusual and numerous calls that were so damaging to UF. It was by far the most officiated game vs. UF I have seen this season...... but there were a couple of times I thought we could have been flagged and were not so some of that evened itself out. Ralph I agree......these guys were preening for the NFL draft instead of trying to beat Louisville.
It's not just the Gators, pretty much everybody who plays college football these days acts like goofs when they make a play even if they just made a play after 40 yd run/pass. Watch videos of teams from the 40's, 50's, 60's...they pretty much ran the play, made the play and then ran another play. Maybe some hand shakes, shoulder pats, etc. But it was a different time then. Now if a player isn't doing some dance, showboating in some way then everybody thinks he doesn't have any passion or emotion for the game.
As many have already mentioned Bill, it is unfortunate that you are but an innocent victim and feel caught in the cross-fire of all the bad karma that was sown by was inevitable and only a matter of time. Karma is a b!tch.....sorry for you Bill, Wendy, and the other well-mannered Gator fans amongst us.
Bill, I think it was my post about sideline demeanor. No problem for two reasons: I don't consider my posts to be worth reproducing, plus I can't even remember what I said. :lol:
And to think that I actually watched a whole USC game ... and worse, even pulled for them ... on the chance that THIS team might make it to the BCS NC game?!?!? Ugh, I feel dirty.
8) As Jim Bouton once said, "I'm glad you didn't take it personally." Wendy nailed it. I never thought in my wildest dreams that Florida would ever look/act like USC, but last night they did and I was thinking that during the broadcast. This guy Muschamp will ruin Gator Nation if he's allowed to stay without cleaning up his act... Bostic's hit was one of the cheapest, cheap-shots in bowl history. He should have been ejected, because if that behavior is allowed to stand, every team will do it. Those who haven't coached can't believe that coaches order these hits, but it's all too common. Corey once warned me not to bat my starting pitcher as a lead-off hitter in a playoff game against San Diego, because they would hit him and then I would lose my starting pitcher. I didn't follow his advice, and they hit my pitcher with a fastball in the jaw on the first pitch of the game and I lost him. I could give examples all day long, but this situation is not unusual. Florida used to be one of the cleanest programs in college football, but they've been one of the most penalized teams since Muschamp was hired...right down there with USC... Here is Bostic's cheap shot. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Watched the Bostic hit again. The defender began his charge while the Qb still had the ball and the release of the ball was a half second before the hit.....which was on the chest not the helmet. Certainly could have been a non-call. I think the ferocity of the hit caused the penalty so why wasn't Clowney's hit penalized?
Well JO'Co, that's not exactly what I meant - less figurative, more literal. I mean I can't believe I watched the whole USC-ND game pulling for USC so UF might go to the Championship. Sorry Domers. I knew at the time they were not a Championship team, but hey, if that's the way the cookies crumbled, I'd be excited about eating the cookie! But in effect you are right, but I thought they looked like Florida State. As I said I never really watched enough USC to recognize how they play. They're just one of those teams who you wouldn't mind if they never won another game. Plus, since UF only plays teams within walking distance of Gainesville, those are the only teams UF fans care to follow. Florida looked like a bunch of bullies. And Louisville showed what happens when you stand up to bullies - they get nervous, talk/threat bigger, then skulk away so sure of their superiority that they decided it's not worth the fight to prove it. All season I thought our coaching staff were crappy game planners, but genius at halftime adjustments. I thought with a month to prepare that maybe their game planning would be better. But all I learned was that when you give crappy game planners a month to prepare, you get a *really* crappy game plan. Weird formations and early onside kicks screamed of desperation. It was embarrassing. Really? *That's* what we have to do to beat a team that was supposed to be easy? By the end, watching their continued hijinks made me lose interest. Through most of the fourth quarter, playing games on the phone seemed to be better use of my time and attention than investing further stress/concern over the game.
At full speed, which is the speed at which the call is made, that hit looks helmet to helmet. If you freeze frame at the moment of contact, it still looks to me like the crown of his helmet comes into the facemask of the QB. Your heart may convince you that there is a smidgeon of space there, meaning you think all the contact came through the chest, but I don't see it that way. Then, with the emphasis that has been placed on hitting high all year long, and this was by no means an unfair penalty and I would have been shocked if a flag wasn't thrown. It was a viscious hit, and right or wrong, it has been penalized all year long. The worst thing about it to me is that the defender didn't even try to arrest himself, pull up, or wrap up when it became clear he wasn't going to get there before the ball was gone. That, too, has been penalized regularly this year.
The problem with the Bostic hit is he comes in high, and then lowers his face and then contacts the QB's face mask... High hit like that should be penalty every time. You are always taught to SEE what you hit; ie you keep your face mask UP. It reduces the likelihood of neck injury to the defender, and keeps him from using his helmet as a weapon.
Clowney's hit is not the same. He comes out of his three point stance heading up-field unblocked. His posture never changes. Head remains at the same angle all the way to the ball carrier. The impact is in the chest, and rises into the face mask as he drives through the tackle. Totally different animal. Also, it's on a RB after handoff. He is NOT in nearly the same position as a QB who just threw the ball...
Has Florida ever been called out by the Military Times :?:
:roll: re: Kerry Neal stomp. That certainly should have been a penalty and an ejection, but I'm not sure that I understand the point of Bobda's post. College football is a game played by young men and they sometimes lose their temper. If you're the coach of a player who has lost his temper, you pull him from the game so that he may contemplate the error of his ways on bench. The Bostic situation is very different. This was the first offensive play of the game for Louisville and no tempers had flared. This was an assassination ordered by the Florida coaching staff to eliminate the threat of Bridgewater before he could do any damage. It was part of the gameplan, just as surely as the New Orleans Saints bounty system. Why was Florida so afraid of a team that had lost to Connecticutt? Or was winning so important that the health of the young men involved didn't matter? Bostic lowered his head, targeted high, and launched at full speed. That's how broken necks always happen. What if Bostic had broken his neck? Would that have been the price for beating Louisville? I'll say it again: I know exactly what Muschamp was doing and last night's game didn't look like ANY Florida team that I've ever seen.
You don't know Florida AD Jeremy Foley in the slightest. I think Bill would attest to the fact that if Foley thought Muschamp or his staff had ordered up a hit to take Bridgewater out of the game then those coaches involved would be in extremely hot water. This kind of speculation about that hit is utter nonsense.
The Neal play was the subject of countless blog postings last year. When Kelly was asked about the play the following week and asked if he was going to take any disciplinary action against Neal his response was “We don’t believe so.” That prompted another flurry of articles and chest pounding railing about ND's supposed lack of control over its players, etc. The piling on that went on over that incident seems a bit similar to this. It is a bit of a stretch to extrapolate from that play that Florida's coaching staff deliberately orchestrated an "assassination" on Louisville's QB. No doubt Florida lost its composure last night and needs to clean up its act. But, Muschamp has been a coach for a long time and I don’t recall his past teams being accused of being the second coming of the Oakland Raiders of the Tatum and Atkinson era.