Well we do have a SkyBox representative at the Ryder Cup in the person of one BuckeyeT. I imagine he's having a great time! The opening matche is very interesting. Lehman comming out with the big guns, putting Tiger and Jim Furyk up against Colin Montgomery and Padraig Harrington in the first Four Ball match of the moring. I went to the KClub Site to check it out, wow, it's really a first class resort. I figured it was some mold old Irish club from 1890 or something like that. But it's a beautifull place, and expensive. It was built in the early 90's, there are 2 courses the Palmer which is very american and gets some criticism for just than and the Smurfit (named after the owner of the place) which is a links style course. I wonder if they'll play both courses or just the Palmer course? Terry
Man, I hope the guys make a showing this time. Two years ago was embarrassing, and if not for the miracle at Brookline in '99 we'd have lost five straight. I don't know exactly what the American's problem is but I hope it doesn't rear its head this weekend.
I like our chances. For once we're the underdogs. Nobody is expecting much expecially from our rookies. They're hungry, their excited and hopefully, they're ready. I'm expecting at least 3 pts from Woods Furyk. They're real tough competitors. I think Tiger will play a lot better with Jim than he did with Phil. This time the pressure is on the Euros. Sergio can't make a put in a major, so I don't expect much from him.
Gipper, I'm fairly certain that Sergio has a tremendous record in Ryder Cup play. I know that today he is undefeated.....
I was very disappointed that Phil and DeMarco could not win their match. The other two matches had me wondering about the selections for the team and we lost them both. The afternoon wasn't much better, it would seem that while we have the 3 best players in the world, Europe has the rest of the best players...at least for this format. I fear a drubbing again. Terry
DiMarco and Furyk were awful today. Both missed putt after putt when it counted, and that's when when they weren't hiiting shots into bunkers or the woods. I also don't understand the stradegy of sitting JJ Henry in the afternoon when he shot a 5 under 67 in the opening match, making more birdies than Furyk, Mickelson, Toms, and DiMarco combined. I agree Terry, I fear another blowout is coming.
George I don't know how he did it but getting Furyk to hit it into the water on 18 showed tremendous talent.
A nasty day for Ryder Cup play. We ae not showing much improvement in the early going today. Our putting or lack there of is a major concern. Don
No Heart for the US Team. They are individually a great bunch of golfers but they are just terrible in this format. I don't know why. You would think with the recent record and the thumping that they got last time that they would have some heart, but they don't. US Men lose in Basketball, US Women lose in basketball, US Women lose in Federation Cup (tennis) US Men are a non-factor in Davis Cup, US Men are frauds in Soccer, our Winter Olympic Team took gas....where will the bleeding stop? Terry
Having Mickelson on the team is like playing a man short. He has flat out stunk for 6-8 weeks coming in and now he's taking the team down with him.
Mickelson flat out doesn't give a damn. He displayed that two years ago when he showed up with new clubs he wanted to try out. The only hope the US has now is if we can get a hypnotist over there and convince the Euros it's Sunday in a major. They'll all shoot 79 tomorrow.
Greetings from Dublin.....just checking things out while waiting for my flight to the US to board. Briefly, if I hear that f*@kin' ole', ole', ole' song again I'm gonna vomit! What an ass-whippin'! Thank God for Stewart Cink and Guinness.....not in that order. More later from home. Terry p.s. God Bless the Irish!