Guys and gals, The bowl contest is up and our group has been renewed. If you have the same e-mail address as last year, you should have an invitation in your inbox. If not, go to: use group # 4805 password br549
Remember from last year, if you don't like the "drag and drop" method of selecting confidence points, look on the right side of the screen where you make your picks. There is a box with your score showing ZERO and right under that is where you can change from Drag and drop to the Classic method like the regular season.
Attention!!! Where is Tennessee AGAIN? has left the building. Introducing: I gotta football Jones!!! as my new pick set. Can anyone tell I am a happy camper?!?! Stitches out, hand feeling better, and a new coach all in the same day.
Don, this turnaround on finding a coach far exceeds or expectations after the angst we Vol fans suffered through the last two coaching searches.
Don't like him.... said he is jonesin to sing Rocky Top all night long next year when they beat Florida....... :wink: :lol: 8)
I know Don. Just tell me one thing: Jones has to be an improvement over Dooley... doesn't he??? :wink:
Tom, It's hard to find the rules on Yahoo. I'm playing the same game within my family. The difference between my family's game and the Skybox game is that we are just making straight picks with no confidence points. I searched and found the following information, which appears to apply to all groups, regardless of scoring: I hope this helps.
Eight pick sets show "0" as the maximum possible points with all the other pick sets showing 630 maximum. I am assuming that this means that this is an incomplete pick set. Take a look at the "Group Picks" page. If your pick set shows ZERO maximum points, determine why.
Mine still shows 0 points and all picks and confidence points have been assigned? Maybe because no games played at this point? On the college football pickem contest there was a completed saved box in yellow. This does not appear on the bowl contest. I have signed out of yahoo and resigned in with no change.
Don, Look at the far right column. Your pick set is one of the ones that is showing 630 points maximum available. It is the bottom 7 starting with Treefrog that shows zero max available points.