Bill Dwyre is my ND classmate and, like me, was a student in 1964. He certainly took a walk down memory lane in that article.
I've got my flights and hotel picked out. They'll be booked 5 min. After tomorrow's game (unless it's a blowout in which case it will be earlier) I'm still trying to get Gonzo to host a tailgate
All I want is a win over the Trojans right now.. any win. USC is our rival, only the ESPNites and those blinded by SEC/BCS history think otherwise. As one of those articles on the LA times site points out... Notre Dame has gone to Los Angeles with title hopes on the line to be denied SEVEN times... SEVEN. I hate USC, but I respect their talent and ability to win. The last team to beat USC that isn't in the Pac10(12) or Notre Dame was Texas in the National Title game in 2005. The last team outside of the P12/ND combo to beat them before that was KState at KState in 2002. (that's also their last noncon loss to anyone not named Notre Dame) Auburn, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Ohio State, Penn State, Virginia Tech, Iowa, Michigan, Arkansas, Illinois, Boston College, Virginia, BYU, Colorado State, Hawaii, Fresno State, Syracuse, Idaho and Minnesota have all gone down in flames since then... many of them multiple times... This ain't ULaLa or some Bobby Bowden strip mall at Clemson or Florida State playing dumpster fire football in the ACC... It's f&8King USC and the boys better prepare for the battle that's coming. There's no excuse to look past them. They're to be our most respected and detested rival for all they do and what they stand for. I'd love to say we can't beat these guys by enough... but honestly, I don't give a ****. Just beat them. I hate USC.
The guy who managed to have a winning record in the SEC with a piss poor team left to him by Fulmer.. How'd that legendary Southern bloodline, Dooley, work out there?
I have a simple football equation today: Pull for a Gator win and an ND loss. If the former doesn't happen then it's Go Irish! 8) Hopefully both don't lose. :x
ND is better in every single aspect of this game except at WR and that is minimal. 1964. Cover hexes. All nonsense. If we don't win this game we will have nothing to say.
Well here is my personal outlook on this game. If the Gators lose to FSU I will be rooting for Notre Dame If the Gators beat FSU I will be rooting for USC and hoping we sneak into the championship game. Other than that????????????????????? Seriously, Notre Dame has had a great year and burst your way back onto the National scene in a big way. I think Kelly will stick around.
I expect ND to line up and maul the Beachboys, but that funny shaped ball does weird things. Good luck fellers, I'll be listening as I drive to Kyle for the last time in 2012.
It would be nice to catch SC mailing it in, but it ain't going to happen. We don't get opponents who are "down" or "flat" or "looking ahead." We get teams who can make or salvage their season with a win over ND. We will get an SC team with plenty of talent that will test our resolve. No doubt about it.
ND <t>ND needs to be ahead or close at halftime. Diaco should be able to figure out what usc is doing by then and make corrections if needed. I f we start letting them get up on us and end up chasing them for points it could be a long day.</t>
I would say it's time for the Gators to win their third National Title in 6 years.......Go Trojans!! :wink: 8)
Classy kid...Teo looking up Barkley in the tunnel pre-game. Win or lose, that young man has distinguished himself his entire career.....shame Barkley isn't playing
The better team won and that goal line stand was unbelievable. I think you guys have done that more than once this year. Well we will see next week who you play Alabama or Georgia. My feeling is that it's Alabama.