He will forever be remembered as the guy who put the curse on Ron Powlus by predicting he would win two Heismans. Other than that, he was outspoken and entertaining.
Not one of my favorites, but colorful and served as an entertaining analyst to many fans. The butt of many jokes as well. His predictions were like the kiss of death!
No freakin' way! I've been listening to the ESPNU daily football podcast with Ivan Maisel for the last few years, and once a week Beano would come on and talk, usually bringing an interesting historical perspective. I know he had his detractors as far as analysis, prognostication, and Notre Dame, but he was a savant when it came to key games, key plays within those games, key players. He knew it all. Unrehearsed, he could spout of the betting lines, starting lineup, turning points, and winning plays of games back into the 30s! This guy was amazing and always had a great historical perspective and interesting stories on the weekly hall of fame birthday players. He had been absent for the last four weeks, with Ivan every week promising Beano would be back soon. The College Football world has lost a great mountain of knowledge and one of the giants. I for one will miss him.