Kesley's entry a few minutes ago completes the entries for this week. All in! good luck in week 5. Upset pick of the week: Tennessee over Georgia... GUARANTEED!
AJ's big balled squirrel can kiss my orange arse! I'm trying to buy a win for Tennessee with my 20 points on Georgia!
Stu's Cats pulls out a 4 point victory over second place Treefrog to win week 5. He climbs ten spots in the overall standings this week. Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 ---- 859 --- 3 --- Treefrog 05 ---- 02 ---- 854 --- 3 --- Lady Vol 12 ---- 03 ---- 847 --- 2 --- NC Gators 13 ---- 04 ---- 846 --- 2 --- Dooley's Orange Machine 13 ---- 05 ---- 846 --- 3 --- Boondock Muskies 19 ---- 06 ---- 840 --- 3 --- Foxchase 19 ---- 07 ---- 840 --- 2 --- John Deere 21 ---- 08 ---- 838 --- 2 --- FL Bucks 23 ---- 09 ---- 836 --- 3 --- ScottD 23 ---- 10 ---- 836 --- 2 --- Gipicks 28 ---- 11 ---- 831 --- 0 --- TBucknuts 29 ---- 12 ---- 830 --- 3 --- mrsjoco 32 ---- 13 ---- 827 --- 2 --- Child of the Corn 35 ---- 14 ---- 824 --- 1 --- Stu's Cat 35 ---- 15 ---- 824 --- 1 --- Return of Lloyd 38 ---- 16 ---- 821 --- 2 --- Not KP 40 ---- 17 ---- 819 --- 2 --- LoneStarIrish 42 ---- 18 ---- 817 --- 2 --- newalbanybuckeye 42 ---- 19 ---- 817 --- 1 --- Bear Down Rick 44 ---- 20 ---- 815 --- 0 --- JO'Co 45 ---- 21 ---- 814 --- 1 --- Desert Dog 46 ---- 22 ---- 813 --- 2 --- RoGator 52 ---- 23 ---- 807 --- 3 --- Irishboy 54 ---- 24 ---- 805 --- 0 --- bama-bo 64 ---- 25 ---- 795 --- 0 --- THE CORNHUSKER 64 ---- 26 ---- 795 --- 2 --- IrishWeDidntSuck 107 -- 27 ---- 752 --- 0 --- Laliari 111 -- 28 ---- 748 --- 1 --- Bryanspicks 231 -- 29 ---- 628 --- 0 --- PJMIII 247 -- 30 ---- 612 --- 2 --- Geek Tragedy 445 -- 31 ---- 414 --- 0 --- Fitz
The money contest I am involved in only had 17 games this week. Of those 17 games, 3 were won by the underdog. What is unbelievable is that 10 out of the 28 members had perfect weeks with a score of 153. I was one of the 10. This made me look into the tie breaker rules. It took going to the 4th tie breaker to decide who won... and I did. In case you are not aware of how the tie breaker works (and I wasn't before this week), I found the rules and here they are: Each week, Yahoo! Sports will select two games to be designated "Tiebreak Games." In any week where two or more players finish with the same number of points, the following tie-breakers are used in this order until the tie is broken: 1.Closest to the total points for the first Tiebreak Game. 2.Closest to the home team points for the first Tiebreak Game. 3.Closest to the road team points for the first Tiebreak Game. 4.Closest to the total points for the second Tiebreak Game. 5.Closest to the home team points for the second Tiebreak Game. 6.Closest to the road team points for the second Tiebreak Game. 7.Closest to the school whose team scores the most points. 8.Closest to the school whose team scores the least points. 9.Whichever user had more points in the previous week (or the week before that if still tied, etc.). You'll be able to determine each weekly winner by looking at the Weekly Performance page, where the person winning the week will be shown in bold. Season Ties At the end of the season, the following tie-breakers are used for College Pick'em groups in this order until the tie is broken: 1.Week 14 fantasy points. 2.Week 14 tiebreak predictions, if applicable (see above). 3.Week 13 fantasy points. 4.Week 13 tiebreak predictions, if applicable (see above). 5.Week 12 fantasy points. 6.Week 12 tiebreak predictions, if applicable (see above). 7.Week 11 fantasy points. 8.Week 11 tiebreak predictions, if applicable (see above). 9.Week 10 through Week 1 fantasy points and tiebreak predictions, as above. 10.Random coin flip.
Can we have a special division for the ladies next year, one with prizes and everything. They really deserve their own contest. :roll:
We are talking about the football pick'em right? :twisted: But seriously us guys are just not competition enough for you and <del>I'm tired of losing to chicks</del> we're not worthy of you! 8)
:cry: Ok my feelings are hurt. I would think you would take it as a compliment how much we have learned from being arounf you guys for so. long :wink:
A little over half of the members have made their picks. Reminder: Friday evening games this week. 18:00 central time is the first game kickoff.
:wink: Terry you know I could never be upset with you..... Just syaing that I have learned alot from you guys now if I could just get the point thing down... Hugs I mean really who surprises you w. a call w. joco and Aj on the other end ...
Someone call the PD in AJ's neck of the woods. Taylor may need protection. He placed 1 point on Ohio State against Nebraska. :shock: :shock: :shock: No rabid squirrel for him!
Laliari wins week 6. Lady Vol is the first person with 4 weeks in the top 10 Down -- PL --- TP -- Top 10 -- Team name 00 ---- 01 --- 1009 --- 4 --- Lady Vol 01 ---- 02 --- 1008 --- 3 --- Treefrog 08 ---- 03 --- 1001 --- 3 --- Dooley's Orange Machine 12 ---- 04 ---- 997 --- 3 --- FL Bucks 12 ---- 05 ---- 997 --- 2 --- NC Gators 18 ---- 06 ---- 991 --- 3 --- Gipicks 18 ---- 07 ---- 991 --- 2 --- John Deere 20 ---- 08 ---- 989 --- 3 --- Boondock Muskies 24 ---- 09 ---- 985 --- 3 --- Child of the Corn 24 ---- 10 ---- 985 --- 3 --- Foxchase 27 ---- 11 ---- 982 --- 3 --- ScottD 34 ---- 12 ---- 975 --- 3 --- newalbanybuckeye 34 ---- 13 ---- 975 --- 2 --- Bear Down Rick 36 ---- 14 ---- 973 --- 3 --- RoGator 39 ---- 15 ---- 970 --- 1 --- Return of Lloyd 49 ---- 16 ---- 960 --- 1 --- Desert Dog 49 ---- 17 ---- 960 --- 0 --- JO'Co 49 ---- 18 ---- 960 --- 1 --- Stu's Cat 50 ---- 19 ---- 959 --- 3 --- mrsjoco 54 ---- 20 ---- 955 --- 0 --- bama-bo 54 ---- 21 ---- 955 --- 2 --- Not KP 64 ---- 22 ---- 945 --- 3 --- Irishboy 76 ---- 23 ---- 933 --- 2 --- LoneStarIrish 81 ---- 24 ---- 928 --- 2 --- IrishWeDidntSuck 85 ---- 25 ---- 924 --- 0 --- THE CORNHUSKER 92 ---- 26 ---- 917 --- 1 --- Laliari 106 -- 27 ---- 903 --- 2 --- Bryanspicks 178 -- 28 ---- 831 --- 0 --- TBucknuts 254 -- 29 ---- 755 --- 0 --- PJMIII 266 -- 30 ---- 743 --- 2 --- Geek Tragedy 512 -- 31 ---- 497 --- 0 --- Fitz