I didn't expect anything less from K man but I am somewhat disappointed in Hayden. I used to think he had integrity. Now he's just another Trog troll.
I'm sorry... I owe Kiffin a lot. He has given me THE reason to enjoy more college football games. I will cheer for the blind sisters of Hades U if they are playing against USC. :twisted:
hahahaha I love that the media just hates Kiffikins for some reason. You know, in all fairness, stories like this go on everywhere every year, right? They are hard to substantiate and often just stay as rumor because they don't get a lot of run from the media. Lane has pissed someone in the media off.. He turned over his coaches vote right earlier this year after someone in the media outed him for saying one thing, but voting another. While that premise may be noble, that goes against what they've been doing for years now. I'll bet you no football coach has ever lied to the media more than Bobby Bowden and they love the SOB.. ditto Barry Switzer.. It makes me wonder what he did...
re: Pat Haden USC is being investigated again. They had previously cleared former running back Joe McKnight of any wrong doing while he was at USC, but it now appears that he received regular cash payments and a new car. A basketball player at that time also received cash, benefits etc... Pat Haden's position on these new revelations about old players? He doesn't think that USC should have to pay any additional penalties, because they were already penalized for other violations back then... http://articles.latimes.com/2012/sep/04/sports/la-sp-usc-football-20120905
So, sounds like Criminoles is a nickname that pales in comparison to the antics of USC... an acronym standing for Uncaring Sadistic Criminals