Yeah, it was frustrating to have a great coordinator for a couple of years, then have to play against him as a head coach for another school. Smart, Kiffin and Sark especially fall into that category.
Looks like Kelly is gone to LV but in contrast to Michigan’s exodus after winning the NC, looks like Day is staying put.
It appears that Brian Hartline is going to be the new offensive coordinator for the Buckeyes along with two more hires. I post this with tongue in cheek, as Ohio State brass has not said anything officially. Press Coverage: Ohio State Maintains Continuity By Promoting Brian Hartline to Offensive Coordinator, Billy Fessler to Quarterbacks Coach | Eleven Warriors
Lot of changes going on, and teams having "analysts' now days seems to help filling in staff positions with people already in the program and who know the program.
I remember it well....I was looking forward to hooking up with you, Stu and G-man. I was at my lifelong duty station pre-gaming at the VC as I had every game day for 30+ years. G-man and I used to meet there and occasionally he'd drag Stu along! I recall having difficult time connecting re: dropped/delayed text messages and calls. Sorry I missed you guys....except for the robbery thing. I stay out of those kinds of clubs these days
Yeah, we were sorry we missed you...then the following year Terry played host to Gerry and I in Austin...we had a great time and the Texas fans impressed me with their class. The Longhorn coeds walking around campus did also but that's another topic.
Def sorry I missed the Longhorn coeds as I recall that was a much better game than the one in Columbus
Coach got paid..... Ryan Day, Ohio State Agree On a New Seven-Year Contract Valued at $12.5 Million Per Year | Eleven Warriors
Not Senator Tressel anymore.....say hello to Lt Governor Tressel. Next step up not unthinkable Former Ohio State Coach Jim Tressel Named Lieutenant Governor of Ohio | Eleven Warriors
I must admit this nominee , really surprised me to no end. While he needs to be confirmed, which does not seem to be a problem, with more Republicans than Democrats, in both houses, I am more surprised he is willing to go into politics. I would certainly vote for him if he chooses to go for the governorship in two years. I serously doube anyone could challenge him and win?
I agree Don, if he decides to continue in the political arena, I'd be hard pressed to think there is anybody that could beat him in a state-wide election. Not only much beloved but he has already proven himself to be a very capable administrator as by all accounts, his decade as the President of YSU was a successful one. Granted, managing the interests and 1,500 employees and 100,000 alums of YSU is not quite the same job as governing a state with over 49,000 employees and 12 million residents but I've always believed him to be a great leader. I hope he does.....I might move back, but only if he can do something about the weather!
Matt Patricia? Never thought of him in college, but he had some great defenses with the Patriots. What's the reaction in Columbus?
What's the reaction in Columbus?[/QUOTE] Terry, from what little have read, I would say a mixed reaction and wait and see the results. A poll conducted on Patricia was mixed as well. Of course its no secret we have a history of fans expressing their displeasure.
Didn't expect that one. Day does have a history of sometimes looking to the NFL for coordinators. He picked up O'Brien as OC last year before Kelly came on the scene and Tim Walton our newly elevated Co-DC as well. As Don indicated a very mixed reaction. Ex-Buckeye great and current ESPN radio guy Bobby Carpenter played for him in the NFL at NE and is a big supporter saying he's "a smart and measured as you'll find. Great communicator and incredibly creative. It didn't work in Detroit as HC...happens to alot of coordinators...but he's not hired at the HC." We'll see.....
That's a paywalled article, but I imagine it's a good piece on JT. It's too bad he got caught up in that mess with the players and the tattoo parlor owner. He was clearly a solid guy and leader. In today's world he'd never have been in that position. I hope he does well for Ohio.