It's historic that's for sure. I wonder where we go from here, it was a tough job just for him to get to be Speaker in the first place. Is there a candidate who has enough backing to take his place or will he just end up replacing himself?
Civil War in the the party has turned into full internecine warfare. 8 Republicans vote with 208 Dems to, for the first time in the history of our country, remove the Speaker of the House as punishment for him voting with the majority of other Republicans to put forth bi-partisan legislation to keep the government open and to ensure that our 1.3 million active duty military can get paid for risking life and limb for their country. Can't make this stuff up.....can I get an Amen to what General Kelly recently said, "God help us".
Possible replacements - Scalise, Jordan and ? Don't know anything about the other two... Here are 4 of the likely contenders to replace McCarthy as speaker
Jeeeusss...what a clown show. Scalise drops out after coming out of the caucus with the nomination and then a group decides not to support him. WTF
The GOP has achieved train wreck status at this point while, on the other side of the aisle the Democrats have indisputably been taken over by the extreme left Progressive NWO faction.
Well apparently the small group of fiscal integrity at any cost faction has found a way to stop the government from spending. It may work for a week or two but DC is hopelessly addicted to spending future generations money. As that brilliant statesman John Fetterman observed the other night, "America doesn't send it's best and brightest to Washington."
Do you detect even a shred of national pride in the Democratic party, Sid? Really? Certainly no "America First" sentiment on that side of the aisle. They cater to the extreme fringe elements, understanding that rust decays from the edges in. Pro open borders, anti-cop, they find racism in every aspect of American life, they never celebrate traditional American values, they only chip away at them. If you were waiting for a surge of patriotism similar to Dec. 8, 1941 or Sept. 12, 2001 forget about it. Our culture is so diluted now that it will never happen. Of course, you already knew this.
Mr. Baker, I Gotta be honest here sir, I'm very intrigued to your majority disagreement with most observations of the turn this country has taken Post Biden. 4 years ago, I would bet you saw the same things the majority saw; afordable living, jobs, lower crime, and a better sense of national security. Surely you can see those negative results, and why we've been having passionate talks the past year. I would think that a elder statesman, with decades of eyesight on America's experiment during your tenure here, would have a little more debate type replies to the educated/experienced based comments made on this board. I'm not poking you in the eye sir, just intrigued by the questions and limited responses. Disclaimer: Everybody on this forum (Gip,Terry, the other Terry, George, Bobda, Etc.) Have brought great views, conversation, facts, Opinions, etc., lately. Not once am I inferring that one side, is correct over the other. With that said, are we happy with the direction we're heading? I don't think the majority of US CITIZENS are. I think that was answered the last election. Respectfully submitted.
How does one administer a deeply divided House by selecting a nominee that seeks to be divisive within his own party? He has virtually zero chance at prevailing in a House vote. This says to me that the majority continues to have more interest in perpetuating partisanship than effective governance. Cue the clown what point will the grown-ups come out to play so that we can begin to address pressing national and international problems. smh House GOP selects Jordan as speaker candidate, teeing up House-wide vote
I dunno...I disagree with Jim Jordan on some issues...but I have met him and he isn't some hold the radical right fanatic like Gaetz and all. Yeah he's a biggie in the Freedom Caucus and pretty far right but he voted to keep McCarthy and I'm wondering if he isn't someone who could actually pull some of these wackos into, you know, passing needed legislation.
Mr. Martin, Thank you for your respectful and well expressed post challenging my "smh" post, possibly the shortest post ever, at least in this topic. Let me establish context. I respect everyone here - always have - and I certainly respect their right to express their views, their beliefs, their politics. There are several Skyboxers who convey intelligent, insightful analyses of the politics of the day. The reason for my "smh" post was my frustration with those who paint everyone to the left of center with a broad brush (the "left"). To the right of center, there are identifiable segments of the Republican Party: moderately conservative, conservative, and the farthest group to the right, described as right wing, hard right, conspiracy theorists, even MAGA. If I chose to engage, which I don't, I would focus on the farthest right segment, not the entire "right". In hindsight, I regret my "smh" post. When I read George's comment that I quoted in my Friday 4:00 pm post, I was moved to challenge his broad brush accusation. His reply confirmed his belief that half of our country is doomed and is taking down his half with it. AJ, I never thought you were poking me in the eye. Your respectful post deserves a reply. To put my part to bed, let me say that there are areas where we have different views, beliefs, and leanings, and leave it at that. Henceforth, I'll continue to express through the use of emojis my respect, even agreement, with my fellow Skyboxers who post intelligent and well thought out comments, and I otherwise will remain silent and do my head shaking in private.