The world has taken stock of the United States and the bad actors have decided that there is no better time than the present to make their moves. What do they see that emboldens them? An aged, out of touch President An administration riddled with scandal and disliked by 2/3 of Americans All major US cities crumbling, under siege from crime, immigration and drugs Millions of immigrants over three years from over 100 nations turned loose in the US and basically unaccounted for. We have surrendered our own sovereignty. Harsh inflation which is morphing into an almost certain recession because of runaway debt. A depleted military, admittedly short on ammo and consistently falling short of its recruiting targets. A population that is totally divided along virtually all topics A Congress with no leader and completely paralyzed along party lines. In fact, some Democrats have already sided with Palestine. So Biden gives Iran $6 B and within weeks coordinated attacks are launched against Israel on at least two fronts. We are already firmly committed to provide arms, ammo and money to Ukraine on demand. Who would be shocked to learn that many of the arms and rockets being launched into Israel originated in Afghanistan? We are watching history in the making; we are living it.
Make no mistake that the hands of the Iranian mullah's are all over this mess. Unable to stand idly by and allow a US brokered rapprochement between Israel and the Saudis to come to fruition, Iran strikes at a most opportune time when US domestic politics are rampant with divisiveness and incompetence on all fronts. Not coincidental when they see domestic weakness, infighting and some partisan hacks suggesting we turn our backs on old friends in the middle east and the European continent in time of need. What better time,, right? We are always at our weakest when we are divided and divided we are. I don't see a leader on the horizon remotely capable of crossing the divide and putting forth a unifying vision forward. Worse, few are even making a viable effort......and those that do, are vilified by partisans more interested in their party than their country. Wake up people....
Can someone please explain to me why the present and the Obama administrations have been so enamored with that anti-American fanatics ruling Iran? First Obama sends hundreds of millions of dollars of cash in the middle of the night to Iran and now the incompetents running our country agree to unfreeze 6 billion dollars of theirs. They don't need that 6 million to support the thugs in Hamas and Hezbollah, they've been selling oil to the Chinese for tens of billions. Of course the stupid clowns running our government need that oil hitting the market to keep down gas prices which as we all know has risen since they started waging war on our domestic oil producers. My feeling is that Iran just waited until the US unfroze that money and they greenlighted the attack. Are they just that stupid or does Iran pay kickbacks to our leaders who funnel money to them? (Helps if you've already set up a couple of dozen shell companies for your bagmen family.) We are divided. Millions voted for a pathological liar who held himself out as someone who would bring us together. Since that time he's done nothing but the opposite. What was he doing while cities in Israel were smoldering from rocket attacks? Apparently they were having a White House barbeque. They're not say much about what's going on. Probably they're figuring out how to blame Trump.
There are no words.....I, for one, will not forget that this was brought to the world by the same evil that is arming Putin and his brand of drone war terrorism as they rain death from the sky upon the innocents in Ukraine. I draw no distinction between terrorists, including their Chinese financiers, nor should the rest of the civilized world.
For damn sure Netanyahu and the IDF are getting ready to kick a$$ and take names, I hope they are given enough leeway to do what they need to do to safeguard their people. Cue the wimpering of the weak kneed and the pacifists as Israeli armor rolls through Gaza with Hamas beneath their treads.....
You wonder if the bastards who were leading the animals are still in Gaza. They know what's coming. The Israelis are about to unleash hell on the area. Undoubtedly there will be collateral damage that will enable those like Talib and Omar to once again claim that Israel is murdering innocent people. The problem of course is that they don't consider the beheaded babies in Israel "people." I wonder how the Israelis and locate, confront and destroy the members of Hamas in the strip packed with so many people. I thought that the Israelis had intelligence operatives in Gaza that would have given warnings about this before it happened. And while were at is where is our intelligence assets? Probably out looking for White Supremacists in Kansas Biden gave a speech this afternoon. Didn't mention his buddies in Iran once.
I hope Israel mows through the Gaza strip and reclaims it for Israel. The hell with the Palestinians. They are rabid animals and need to be dealt with accordingly. Start worrying about all the mid eastern men who have crossed into the US through the open southern border. Israel's IDF is starting to trace weapons they are confiscating from the dead Palestinians. Where did they get them? The top two suspects are from Afghanistan or from Ukraine. Wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts.
Why are we waiting for what happened to Israel happens here again. We know the enemies here (Thanks Uncle Fugg Head). Let's get permission to go round them up. It's simply outlined below. "The mission of the Marine Corps rifle squad is to locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or to repel the enemy's assault by fire and close combat."
Yesterday, here in the United States, Black Lives Matter issued a statement in support of Palestine. It's time to start connecting the dots. Somewhere north of 4,000,000 "immigrants" have crossed the southern border during Joe Biden's term. It is well documented that thousands of those were from the mid eastern countries and were mainly men traveling alone in the 25-25 age group. These are the ones we documented ; these do not count the ones we are completely unaware of who have entered undetected. They are almost all running loose in America right now. Is it unreasonable to suggest that the mid eastern visitors would seek out BLM and try to forge some clandestine alliance? Our open borders have put us at extreme risk from within.
A small ray of sunlight. A NYU law student who issued a public statement supporting Hamas had her job offer from a prominent law firm rescinded. A fine FAFO moment for her callous stupidity. Law Firm Rescinds Employment Offer For NYU Bar Association President Who Defended Hamas Attacks
All of you Skyboxers who live in urban areas (or even dense suburban) need to keep your situational awareness on high alert. It probably isn't a matter of IF they try something here, but when. As George noted, they could have half an army here.
If you've seen the second installment of the "Sicario" movie, they depict the scenario we are talking about in the first 20 mins of the movie. Hamas is now calling for world wide Jihad on Friday, October 13.
Brooklyn is bad but what is Capitol Hill. 9 Democrats voted no to support Israel and condemn Hamas. All well and good to be laughing at the Republicans for their Speaker trouble but this??? What impact will this have on the traditional Jewish Democratic vote? And these raving anti-Semites are just the tip of the iceberg as the colleges are rife with pro Palestinian protestors Of course this all fits in with the oppressor-oppressed view that they have of the world.