Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by HUSKERMAN-HUSKERFAN, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Rather than go over the bills of indictment, I reviewed a number of sections of the Durham report to remind myself how dishonest, corrupt and outright criminal the Justice Department's FBI had been in dealing with Trump. When you realize that 3 dozen FBI agents and Justice Department attorneys dug for over 2 yrs. and only came up with Stormy Daniels you realize just how desperate they were to find something, anything to damage him. I'm also reminded about the millions of Americans who bought that crap. So when you wonder why all these indictments haven't changed his standings in the polls much, you realize that Americans have heard this before and you can only cry wolf so many times.
  2. Terry O'Keefe

    Terry O'Keefe Well-Known Member Administrator

    Mar 11, 1999
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    no doubt the dirty tricks and witch hunts by the democrats, and they started the day he became the GOP front runner. It's a sad state of affairs. But that doesn't change that IMHO Trump is unfit to be our next President. Biden is unfit to be our next President for many reasons. I don't know who that person will be sadly it's likely that it might be Biden again.
  3. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    Won't be Biden. If you saw him in Hawaii yesterday you should be convinced that he is closer to Assisted Living that another term as POTUS.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  4. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    No comment!
  5. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    There was no surprise that Trump lost, he was well behind in polling going in, under oath his senior campaign advisor testified that he told Trump just prior to election day that he was going to lose. One segment that you left out was independents. Same as today, on election day 2020, the single largest political constituency was not R or D but independent. His favorability among independents at that point in time during the pandemic was very low. You can't win a presidential election without winning independents. Trump had won independents in 2016 by 46-42, he lost convincingly 54-41 in 2020 and consistent with my earlier point 70% of Biden voters indicated that they voted not "for your candidate(Biden)" but "against his opponent (Trump)".

    National Results 2020 President exit polls.

    Based upon your question, it seems clear that that stop the steal toxic kool-aid spewed forth by Trump, the "Pillow Guy" and Fox News leaves a long lasting after taste. The downward slope of their fortunes since their nonsensical fabrications have been so completely debunked helps maintain my faith our society.

    Krebsie, he lost and he knew he lost. Every responsible source on his staff, on his cabinet, in his administration, in state legislatures and court rooms around the country and even his daughter told him and told us under oath he lost. Only the "pillow guy" told him he didn't....under those circumstances if you decide to pursue an "extra-legal" course of action on the basis of the "pillow guy", you've made your own bed
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Suit yourself, but you're missing out on a helluva lot of relevant facts and evidence which tells me its all about partisanship here. You're a smart, cranky guy with just the right amount of snark, I'm sure you were a fine attorney. Speaking specifically to the documents, Jan 6 and election interference cases, there is no doubt in my mind that as a prosecutor, after having reviewed the evidence and established the facts, you would have brought charges. As a grand juror empaneled to hear the testimony and the evidence presented, you would have returned the indictment and as a juror at the upcoming trials, if the evidence stands, you would vote to convict. But you're a partisan and cranky enough not to admit it, so be it

    All the past proceedings have no bearing here in these next 3 cases. But if you want to compare Stormy, Durham, etc with Jan 6/Documents/Interference, etc, let's do that. It's all about the evidence. Let's start you like to say, "refresh my memory" as to the witness list in the Stormy case. In the federal and Georgia cases we have this line-up for the prosecution....

    - batting first and leading off is the disgraced ex-President Trump himself, on tape incriminating himself with his own voice along multiple felony counts
    - on deck and batting second, is his right-hand man and chief of staff Mark Meadows, who by all appearances has now turned state's evidence in the federal cases and knows where all the skeletons are buried. The prospect of his testimony under oath is Trump's worst nightmare
    - batting third is his VP, Mike Pence who has testified that among other things, Trump “and his gaggle of crackpot lawyers asked me to literally reject votes". "President Trump asked me to put him over the Constitution, but I chose the Constitution, and I always will"
    - batting clean-up, in the fourth spot is his Attorney General William Barr, who will testify and has already told us under oath, that the former president’s claims of election fraud were "baseless", that Trump had "become detached from reality" and his allegations of election fraud were "bogus", "idiotic" and "********".

    .....and that's just the top of the order. The batting order is filled with big bats and bench is deep. What's missing here? What is missing is any Democrat politician or political operative or other denizen of the deep state. These are his guys, his hand picked senior advisors and senior cabinet members. This guy is gonna get convicted entirely by his own people, by those closest to him. A partisan political prosecution doesn't get a conviction based entirely upon evidence and testimony from your own words and those of your senior staff. That's called the rule of law
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    You still are not answering my question. Where did the extra 28 million votes cast come from? A more accurate yardstick would be the 2016 election where Hillary had 66 million to Trump's 63 million. That is a total of 129 million votes cast. And surely many of those votes cast were by Independents ( I was one of them ). In the 2020 election there were more than 157 million votes cast. So what Iam asking you to guess is " from what constituency did the additional 28 million votes come from ?"
  8. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Just a few random thoughts. If Trump testifies that there never was actually any plans to invade Iraq and that he was just trying to impress his guests, is there anyone who actually saw what the papers were? I heard a report that no such papers were found in the Mara Lago raid.
    So Mark Meadows who after leaving the White House wrote a book praising Trump is now going to stab him in the back to save his own skin. Might have some tough cross-examination.
    So presidential candidate Pence is going to harm the frontrunner for the nomination. OK
    So Barr thought Trump was out of touch with reality. IF nothing else it shows that his state of mind was that he actually believed that he'd won.
  9. Sid

    Sid Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Love the batting order analogy.
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  10. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    I see, your question is why was voter turnout larger than years past. Dunno, my guess would be a whole lot folks were eager to throw the bum out, why else? Usually a pretty strong incentive. Why do you think? Given that this was the most heavily scrutinized election in history, I'm sure you can track down a number of plausible explanations. Let Google be your friend
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  11. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    My understanding is that the document in question is in the hands of the prosecutor. Let's keep in mind that the treasure trove of evidence presented in the indictments only represents the tip of the iceberg. So the strategy is to get Trump on the stand and his best defense is for him to testify that he's either stupid or irrational and out of touch with reality? bet is that if Trump gets on the stand, it is a certainty he goes to jail. Zero chance they let him testify imo
  12. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    I only went through the clean-up hitter. Tomorrow I'll go through the rest of the batting order. Just had a little nip and tuck for a hernia repair yesterday....a little off my game today ;)
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  13. Scott88

    Scott88 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I'll throw out a theory: I'd bet a few of those extra votes were illegitimate/illegal, but I don't think it was a game changing percentage.
    In 2020, the media (social and corporate) had honed it's hate mongering to a fine edge, and there was no one they liked to hate more than DT. Young folks especially were whipped into a frenzy and believed DT was Satan himself. I know... I have 2 step daughters that were in lock step with that.
    This is the main reason I don't think DT can win now if he manages to be nominated. The hate "machine" will roll out and no matter HOW SHITTY the economy or world situation gets with Dems running the show, lemming hate will win the day for the Left. They will vote for anyone over DT.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    I agree with you Scott. There's a large "Give us Barabbas" group out there.
  15. George Krebs

    George Krebs Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 1999
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    28,000,000 additional votes cast. That is a statistical abberation. That is more than the total populations NYC, Atlanta, Phildelphia, Los Angeles, Houston, and Chicago combined. It will really look questionable if the overall vote total reverses to its normal range again in 2024.

    I would think Trump hatred accounted for a percentage of that. I would also think a lot of women and college kids probably voted against him for the first time. I also think a lot of immigrants with no voting rights voted against him as well. Let's be real here; there is a reason that the Democrats are so fervently fighting against any efforts to secure our borders.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    No question the turnout was greater than recent history but recent history has been much lower than historical standards. It was only just over 60% of the voting age population which actually was not unusual prior to the 70's when people stopped giving a sh!t. I don't think there's any surprise that Trump's egregious behavior and his handling of the Covid pandemic and the pandemic itself resulted in a substantial up tick in turnout. I'd be shocked if turnout didn't decline next year, I would expect it to. Were there bogus ballots cast? Of course, there has likely never been an election that didn't have them. Did they make difference in the result? No. Was the election stolen? No, of course not and we know that definitively and he always knew that as well. He knew that before the lies, he knew that before Jan 6 but he continued the lies because insurrection was his only path to retain power and that is why he's being compelled to answer to the American people whom he betrayed.

    Just out of curiosity, in what states do you think the bogus votes were cast? Did any of those states have recounts, manual recounts or audits prior to certification? Were any of those states those that Trump contested the results in court only to be tossed aside as being frivolous, without merit and lacking evidence many of whom with Trump-appointed judges presiding?

    Without evidence, it's all fairy tale, "Pillow Guy" sh!t without any basis in fact which is precisely what Jason Miller his Senior Campaign Advisor said in an email to his staff on December 8 and I quote, "When our research and legal team can't back up any of the claims made by our Elite Strike Force Legal Team, you can see why we're 0-32 on our cases. I'll obviously hustle to help on all fronts, but it's tough to own any of this when it's all just conspiracy sh!t beamed down from the mothership."
  17. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Just curious, what about the way Trump handled the pandemic was reason to vote against him? Was it closing the boarders early? Was it ramping up the production of ventilators? Was it the program to rapidly develop vaccines? (vaccines that were just days away from filing for approval, approval that was hidden by the drug companies until after the election) As i recall the state governors went out of their way to compliment him on the way he addressed their needs. Less people died of Covid during his last year in office than did in Biden's first year even though Trump left him with 3 death reducing vaccines.
  18. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    I'm a results-oriented guy. Perhaps it was how well prepared we were or the efficiency of the federal response in mobilizing some semblance of an effective diagnostic regime in the face of his protests and lack of support for testing or the other inspiring leadership and effective management behaviors he modeled throughout or that our death rate was more consistent with that of a 3rd world banana republic rather than one with the world's most technologically advanced health care system? That's only a starting point but pick one or all.....matters not. In my view it represented the worst failure of executive leadership in our long history costing trillions of dollars and squandering the lives of tens of thousands of our people. The judgement of history will be damning, his failure cost him the Presidency as it should have....I'm gonna bow out here, I've said my piece, I'm not gonna venture down this rabbit hole again, not one I wanna revisit
  19. gipper

    gipper Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 1999
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    Sorry you're bowing out but you could start writing for the White House. They're completely out of touch with reality and wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in the ass.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. BuckeyeT

    BuckeyeT Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 1999
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    Who said there was no longer any continuity in government? ;)