Krebsie, I always said that politics is a dirty business and campaign promises are the stock-in-trade. I have equal disdain for zealots on either side. We only have to observe the present sh!t show in which we find ourselves just when can least afford it to appreciate the great harm that egregious radical behavior can bring to our country. A country is never stronger than when it is united and never more weak, than when it is divided. The Chinese rise to prominence has placed us in the midst of the greatest threat to our global influence and world order in generations - pre WWII in my estimation. As a result, during this time there has never been a greater need to unite our people, yet both parties continue to seek to divide and hope to try and govern a divided and therefore weak nation. We are a centrist country, almost by definition and have always been so. The central pole of our political beliefs as a people has only moved ever so slightly back and forth marginally to the left and right of center yet the imbeciles on both sides seek to get nominated, elected and govern from the fringes. You cannot unify and therefore lead a nation by attempting to govern from the fringes, because one cannot govern effectively from the fringe. Jeebzus, Jefferson and Hamilton despised the very ground that each walked, yet were able to work in tandem and help put together the institutions and governing documents that nurtured the rise of the worlds greatest nation state. Can you even imagine undertaking such an effort today? I am a staunch advocate of state rights and limited central government influence but that doesn't at all suggest that an effective federal government is not a necessary pre-condition for a strong America, quite the contrary in my view. There are legitimate national interests that can only be addressed by a central authority around which we must coalesce yet we now soil ourselves regularly whenever we face a new national crisis or as we allow old problems to fester because of our inability to solve national problems by attempting to govern from the fringes. Yet the fools in leadership on both sides double down when faced with political threat from the other side by running to the other extreme.....sheer stupidity and madness. We need to take the lessons learned by the great military strategists and chess grandmasters, that is when faced with a threat from the flank, turn your attention to the the center....makes even more sense politically because that is where all the people are Thank you for indulging my rant, I'll step off my soap box now.....
Thanks Sid, you are too kind. I've found a good rant can be soul cleansing, I'm just staying true to my motto, "often wrong, never in doubt!"
I'm sure most if not all of you saw this but after making those that repaid their own loans or who chose not to go to college have to pay off other's college loans, we now have this beauty. Mortgages for Homebuyers with Good Credit To Cost More Starting May 1 — High-Risk Buyers Will Pay Less Is it just me or are the people running the show absolutely crazy? Someone describe them as incompetent zealots. Perfect description.
It is an inherent human frailty that we are attracted to free stuff. My sister identifies herself as a conservative yet she has recently succumbed to the siren call of student loan forgiveness. Having sent four kids off to college so far and gotten a very low return on that investment she sees a clean slate as a way out for them. She blames the universities for "false advertising" and price gouging, two charges which carry a significant degree of truth but her defense is ignorance both on the kid's part and her own. He oldest daughter has a Masters degree in Art History from Syracuse and saw herself working at a high level position at the Smithsonian or some other high profile museum but here we are four years later and she is in her third job in retail at an entry level position.
This is the dimwitted Biden, strings clearly being pulled by an unknown puppetmaster, trying to create a new housing bubble like the one Bill Clinton created in the late 90's with no income verification mortgages. This is the type of nonsense that gets people elected president.
Headline is misleading here, but nonetheless, an "Adam Smith head scratcher" to coin a term. It appears to me that while Loan fees/LLPA's have been adjusted, there is no scenario in which borrowers with good credit will be paying more than high-risk credits. That said, some fees have increased for good credits and been reduced for riskier borrowers thereby lessening the "premium" high risk borrowers have to pay relative to those higher credit scores, less risky loans. Dumb is forever......