The news re the suicide bombings has drowned out the news that our government providing the Taliban an updated kill list
The disaster for Biden ( and more importantly for those left behind in Afghanistan) is just cascading worse and worse. Mid Term elections which typical see the party in control of the WH lose some of its punch in Congress is going to be very interesting to see how the American people vote when they aren't looking at Trump at the top of the ticket.
The Democrats are going to run on their distribution of freebees to the unproductive. Increased food stamps, child subsidies, free community college, student loan forgiveness etc. Then there's the "equity" giveaways that target the victims and exclude the oppressors. Add to that teachers and government employees and you've got a coalition of parasites that lives off the Treasury. They don't care about foreign affairs, terrorism, alliances etc. all they care about is their wallets.
Whoever signed off on that list being given should be shipped over there to sit in a street tied to a chair.
Don't forget all the new voters who stream into the country every day. Guess who they'll vote for and you know they'll all vote at least once.
I want to puke. BTW Joe, need to understand how you can give actual military hardware and weapons to an enemy faction, but don't want your own citizens to own a sporting rifle???
Where's the House of Representatives that impeached a president for a phone call? Those aholes aren't even in session. But, they'll be back to piss away trillions in money we don't have before you know it. So, while we're abandoning billions of dollars worth of military equipment, we're absorbing hundreds of thousands of unskilled, uneducated foreigners who will have to rely on government assistance. Meanwhile we've lost our energy independence, we can't fill the millions of jobs that are open because unemployment benefits are so generous and our one time friends like Canada and Great Britain feel betrayed. If you wanted to destroy this country could you think of any better ways?
Wow... I thought I had the worst case in mind, and that pictorial Bob put up is far worse. Unbelievable. How in the hell is one tenth of that left behind?
Forced myself to listen to the Coward in chief (he's even afraid to face the White House Press Corps without knowing what the questions are ahead of time and having the answers on a teleprompter.) tell what a great decision it was to let the Taliban throw us out of Afghanistan. Once again he blamed Trump. Then he blamed those STRANDED there on the stranded. With all the ******** that he threw out he still couldn't come up with a scape goat or claim how great a plan it was to LEAVE BEHIND TENS OF BILLIONS OF USABLE MILITARY EQUIPMENT. Which of our military "brain trust" let that happen? He is making come true one of his slogans. When the Taliban got to Kabul they got to see "AMERICA'S BACK" as we slunk away in the night.
Not getting much coverage in the recent flood of news about Afghanistan and hurricane Ida is a report that the Social Security Trust Fund will become insolvent by 2034. Obviously a significant reason for that is the impact of the China virus. It had a devastating impact on parts of the economy especially in the travel, hospitality and entertainment sections. However not mentioned in most media accounts are other reasons mostly political. First Democratic governors did their best to help the trust fund by forcing infected seniors back into nursing homes and causing the deaths of thousands of senior citizens. This "help" was offset by administrative orders that strangled the private sector economy. While individuals who worked in the government sector hardly ever lost a paycheck, individuals who owned small businesses were severely damaged. (This had a benefit to Democrats since a big source of their campaign donations is governmental labor unions. Meanwhile small business owners who are more likely to be Republican donors were crippled.) Many government workers do not pay into FICA but rather have other retirement plans that they are tied to. For months now there have been millions of jobs in the US that have gone unfilled. The reason is that unemployment benefits are so generous that many would rather remain on the couch that work for a living. Instead of those jobs employing workers contributing to Social Security and Medicare, we have individuals who consume taxpayer money. A third reason is related to the Biden immigration policy. Hundreds of uneducated, unskilled individuals have entered this country. In many cases they have replaced employed citizens and those here legally. These individuals "live in the shadows" without documentation such as legitimate Social Security numbers. They are paid "off the books" by law violating employers who take advantage of lower wages for these individuals as well as the avoidance of Employer's Social Security tax. As a sidebar, the Bush White House floated out the idea of investing a portion of Social Security funds in stocks. This of course lost out to the "lock box" idea which is nothing more that robbing the Trust fund and giving in return tiny interest bearing Fed fund bonds. Doesn't seem like a good choice.
Joe's popularity ratings are really low these days it's slipped below 50%. Honeymoon didn't last long for Joe!
Remember how in bed the Obama administration was with Iran? Remember us sending millions in cash in the night? Well, with Kerry and other Obama bureaucrats in the Biden administration, the relationship continues. The Biden folks would like to lift the sanctions off of Iran but that probably wouldn't be very popular. No problem, we've stranded many Americans in Afghanistan. The plan is to get them out using foreign aid to the Taliban. It's actually a ransom. The Taliban on the other hand need to solve energy problems. Where better for them to buy oil but from, wait for it, Iran.
Anyone listen to the individual whose Immigration policy has allowed thousands of Covid infected illegals to enter the country and travel throughout? The same guy who ran claiming that the former president didn't handle the pandemic correctly and that he could, now is blaming fellow Americans, governors and some doctors. Meanwhile he's now mandating government employees and contractors take the vaccine that he didn't trust during the campaign. As someone suggested, why don't they just turn the teleprompter around and let us read it instead of having to listen to him stumble through.
I was going to ask if anyone has noticed any real shortages due to our supply chain problems. Then, today, I put in an order for groceries to be picked up at Walmart. Nearly half the items including produce were not in stock. Now, I can see if people are hording toilet paper, but who's hording pineapples? I know a lot of goods are made overseas but grocery items?