Hey Scott, did you see where LSU self-imposed a ban on post-season bowl for this year. They really fell on their own spear for that one. They are 3-5. I couldn't make this **** up.
LOL I just saw this story and was coming here to observe the same thing! I think the proper wording is "cosmic kharma has imposed a post-season bowl on LSU this year". I especially liked this quote: That says more than they likely meant it to say. Then Orgeron comes into the stacked-plate china shop: Well, last year's team was definitely in the past, why you sniggering?? Oh, I see, there are ADDITIONAL NCAA issues from the past, Ed, including: 'Yes, Mr. LSU, adding a bowl this year, now that LSU has fallen to 3-5 with two games remaining, will sufficiently cover your cheat debts, especially since it is self-imposed. If it hadn't been self-imposed, we'd still have something to say, but we'll get that trophy for being a shining example of NCAA propriety polished up for you.' LSU football self-imposes 1-year bowl ban
A Clemson Blogger says the Tigers and the Irish should decline to play in the ACC Championship game. Mostly a reaction to the Big 10 changing rules to get Ohio State into the Big 10 Championship game. Time for Clemson football to adapt to the world around them. Clemson football fans saw Tuesday night that the College Football Playoff committee, chaired by Iowa Athletic Director Gary Barta, are hell-bent on letting Ohio State into the Top 4 regardless of how few games that they have played. While it is not in the nature of Clemson football coach Dabo Swinney nor athletics director Dan Radakovich to not play, both the Tigers and the Irish should seriously consider not playing the ACC championship game at this point. If the teams did not play, both assure themselves a spot in the College Football Playoffs. If Clemson football had stopped playing after their fifth game, they would be 5-0, their last game on record would be beating 10th ranked Miami 42-17. The Tigers would still be the top-ranked team in the polls and they would have had a chance to get completely healthy. Clemson football: Tigers and Irish should bow out of ACCCG
But that sixth game against 2-4 (anticipated to be 2-5 subsequent to the game) would seriously change the arithmetic? Absurdity abounds, on all sides of the discussion.
Pretty typical in a lot of ways, always some controversy/hurt feelings over the playoff selections. Complaints about strength of schedule, not playing a Championship game if it's ND or the B12 before they decided to play a Championship game even though they didn't have divisions and played a round robin schedule ..so they could get that "13th" data point.
Thank God for those paragons of virtue down on the bayou! Heck... with how swiftly they have rooted out ALL evil in their program, I think the NCAA should give them extra scholarships for the next few years! What an F'ing joke. If the hammer doesn't fall on them next year...
Terry, I still don't care. I think Alabama should play as many games as they can, play in the SEC Championship Game, and let the chips fall where they may. I don't think there should even be a National Championship game, to be honest. There are too many inequities and variables. Let the ACC and the Big 10 maneuver all they want to. This is becoming a bigger joke than it already was. Bring on Arkansas!
Texas and Kansas has been cancelled due to Covid problems at Texas. So big win at KState, is that the last game Tom Herman coaches at Texas? Boston College became the first team to decline to play in a bowl game this season. Truthfully it makes a lot of sense, the minor bowls don't make money for the schools, they do provide extra practice time for the team though, but in Covid times you could end up having to pause practice any way. I sort of expect a lot of schools to opt out of minor bowl games. New Years Six games will still be prized though.
I'll bet that at least 1 or 2 teams who end up being in New Years 6 bowls or the CFP will have Covid issues that either prevents them from playing or playing with a reduced roster.
Agree, a season to remember for the wrong reasons and one to forget for some good reasons. However the Gators are a blessing for their fans this year with the two Kyles, Trask and Pitts.
Washington vs Oregon is off due to virus problems at Washington. That means that Washington is the Pac 12 N champion, but will they be available to play in the Pac 12 Championship game? If not what will be the plan?
Who cares about the PAC champ game? They are irrelevant this year anyway with that pathetic schedule.
Dabo on OSU getting into the CFP "It's incredible and I think the Big Ten had the same opportunity and they chose not to play, and I think the only reason they ended up playing is because of the leadership of the SEC and the ACC and the Big 12, and have demonstrated that we can do it and do it in a safe way. So it's been an unbelievably challenging season, that's for sure, but I think that the committee's going to have some tough, tough, tough questions to answer and things like that, regardless of what they do. "Obviously, as coaches, we don't control any of that stuff. So I do think that our team has played incredibly well. We had a double-overtime loss at the No. 2 team in the country now in Notre Dame, who's a great team and an unbelievable game. Again, no matter what happens for Notre Dame or Clemson, nothing changes in my mind, as far as both of these teams being in the top four."