It appears some you gents are still reading Dave's nonsense. I can guess what he is saying. What appeals to people about open borders, no police, full rights for non-citizens, reparations, higher taxes and socialized medicine? Not much. So how does Biden win?
By harping the CNN tripe KoolAid that Dave is drinking and pushing. Trump and his followers are racist, bigoted, uneducated, divisive, and lacking in empathy.
You sell those people very short. Not me, I know quite a few people that fit are in that voting group and they are very smart, know what they want and why, are not racist and are not susceptible as you insinuate. In fact they see the current Democratic Party for what they are, they see these riots for what they are, riots, and that the Dems support it in hope that it helps get them votes. In fact the majority of the electorate see what is going on and are not fooled. And neither are they going be fooled by language like you use about beating the drum etc. You actually carried on a halfway decent conversation but ruined by that comment. To bad you find it necessary to demonize Trump and insult a significant part of the electorate.
George, actually it is part of my job to follow him. As painful as it might be I am making sure he keeps this stuff off the Sports Board. I do keep telling myself not to communicate with him but I do think these last couple of posts he actually put some thought into. Not his conclusions of course.
Let those demographics from the last election speak for itself. The one coming up will be even more skewed in the same direction because of the last 3.5 years. Why do you think so many high profile college educated people in the GOP have turned coat on Trump? The non-college whites love comments like this from Trump made just before the 2016 election but the blacks? Not so much..... "On Black people August 2016: Trump told Black voters: “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” His claim was untrue on many levels, not least of which was that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for young Black people at that time was only 19.2%."
Bill, agree with your point re denigrating blue collar voters. The assumption that a college education is positive proof of higher intelligence is contradicted by the thousands of young people burdened with huge college debt and a degree that will open few doors to a good job. In contrast, their blue collar compatriots working in a skilled trade are living comfortable lives. Also, old enough to remember when blue collar workers were the electoral strength of the Democratic Party rather than being the object of scorn for low paid writers working for click bait internet media companies. But, these people do have a blue check mark by their name in Twitter so that must be some consolation for them when they complain about how much their plumber charged to fix their leaking sink.
So how is it racist to be telling them that you will try to do much more for them than the Dems, who have given them only lip service?
Bobda, there are two more pieces of information that are often glossed over when discussing college eduction. First, not all college educations are created equal. Details of this point is one of the causes of consternation for Conservatives when requested to support universal "free" education. (Another large cause of that consternation is the offensive result of Liberal brainwashing within the institutions of higher learning that now control these educations.) This can be illustrated by a simple question: do all of the following areas of study (most of them are degrees) pulled from the Stanford page carry with it the same value to society: I do not begrudge anyone expanding their horizons in these fields of study (with their own funding). Some of these educations are much more likely to prepare the student to be a productive member of society. Some of these teach critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze events and data to come to a reasonable conclusion. In contrast, some of these are based more on feelings and provide very little benefit beyond the knowledge contained within (and with some, I would say "knowledge" since there is no objective truth in some of these educations). Exclusively judging the capability of an individual because they have "some college" or are "college educated" is preposterous. Product Design vs. Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity isn't exactly a hard decision on which degree I would pay for my son to achieve. Yet, the argument always seems to be that these Liberal-educated but deeply in debt students should have their debt forgiven, when they were told the educational primacy lie and made a very bad choice about which education to pursue. I have no desire to pay taxes which will be used to rebate the Liberal framework that has grown up around this fallacy. Second, is it a surprise to exactly anyone that the further one goes in Liberal education the more likely they will vote for the Liberal ticket? How many professors vote non-Democrat? And what percent of the phDs are not professors or school-funded researchers? (Teachers' Unions are an entirely different subject, discussion of which has nothing to do with our support for teachers themselves.) I don't think I will be handing over my vote to the "elite" anytime soon, just because they are "better educated".
Whether it's blacks or Asians or Latinos Trump can barely utter a word about any of them without disparaging remarks..... and I am sure they have long memories. Another group that may abandon Trump is Evangelicals.... with Billy Graham's granddaughter today coming out vocally against Trump..... saying support of Trump "spits on her grandfather's legacy" Christian women must reject Donald Trump if church leaders won't
About Evangelicals abandoning Trump, I just heard Cissie Graham Lynch give a joyful speech at the Republican Convention in favor of Trump. Bet she carries much more weight than whoever that was that MCG referred to. Home ~ Cissie Graham Lynch
Jerusha Duford... "As the proud granddaughter of the man largely credited for beginning the evangelical movement, the late Billy Graham, the last few years have led me to reflect on how much has changed within that movement in America. I have spent my entire life in the church, with every big decision guided by my faith. But now, I feel homeless. Like so many others, I feel disoriented as I watch the church I have always served turn their eyes away from everything it teaches. I hear from Christian women on a daily basis who all describe the same thing: a tug at their spirit. Evangelical writer Jerushah Duford, who is the granddaughter of the late televangelist Billy Graham, has joined a new women’s coalition of The Lincoln Project to battle President Donald Trump and support Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and running mate Sen. Kamala Harris. “After four years of blatant misogyny, civil unrest and failed leadership from President Trump, The Lincoln Project continues our crusade to abolish his chances of reelection by announcing the first wave of fierce women to lead our Lincoln Women coalition,” said a statement Monday from the organization co-founded by George Conway, husband of outgoing White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.
Your completely full of **** Dave. Your ass is made of candy, and your eyes and ears suck. The real racists here are Uncle Joe, and that phony Twat Harris. Nobody can get through to you here because your too ******* stupid blind....period.
AJ I'm of course not saying that all who support Trump are racists I'm just saying that those who are.... whether it be subtly a part of their personal make-up or they are active white supremacists or Neo-Nazis do find a comfortable home under Donald Trump.
Trump and racism: What do the data say? "but nonetheless, there is substantial evidence that Trump has encouraged racism and benefitted politically from it. First, Donald Trump’s support in the 2016 campaign was clearly driven by racism, sexism, and xenophobia" "Even more alarmingly, there is a clear correlation between Trump campaign events and incidents of prejudiced violence. FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available, second only to the spike after September 11, 2001."
Brookings Institute...another liberal mouthpiece. You certainly like to quote all the vile tripe you can find. I'd like to see somebody on the left do something about all the hate crimes in Portland...or Seattle...or all the regular crimes in Chicago...or New York...or where ever. By the way...I read that article on hate crimes...not that impressed. Plus the left, in my opinion, has done a lot more to divide us and stir up rancor than Trump ever could...during the same time frames.
It's ok Stu I understand that real data and facts do not mean much to you guys or your leader.. Hyperbole and Trumpspeak reign supreme. So what do you advocate that someone do Stu in Portland et. al. about "hate" crimes? Not sure what you mean by hate crimes unless you are talking about the cop shooting that unarmed black man in the back in Kenosha in front of his kids. So are all protestors in your mind antifa leftists rioters as Trump so often likes to group all protestors together except for the "good people" in Charlottesville that were in his mind there for a "peaceful" protest except they were most neoNazi white supremacists.
That's right Stu, if you post a link and Dave doesn't like it, he immediately reacts by saying that it's a "right wing site." However if you question one of his links, you dismiss "data and facts." And that's how the delusional world is in a mind flush with TDS. Meanwhile up in Kenosha, 3 people were shot last night, 2 dead in the peaceful protests.
Brookings Institute is rated as Least Biased by the site that one of the other members of SkyBox gave me as a bias checker: You searched for brookings institute - Media Bias/Fact Check