Gipper it's pretty laughable to me that all of the conspiracy theories that you pick up on Fox News, Trump twitters and Atlantic Monthly are never ever corroborated by legal action. "Trump is the first President whose campaign was illegally spied upon by the corrupt preceding administration. The illegal surveillance and implantation of spies continued after he took office" I will be so keenly interested when Obama and Hillary are marched off to jail in handcuffs..... now THAT would be newsworthy. LMFAO
Do you really think the Atlantic Monthly is a conservative publication? What a skewed perception of the political spectrum you must possess if you actually believe that. The Atlantic - Media Bias/Fact Check
Yeah that one is one I'm off on.... not one I'm sure that Gipper references LOL..... or reads for that matter. How about Washington Times or National Review..... Anyway I'm parked in front of the TV waiting for Breaking News showing Obama being arrested..... because by God Trump must know what he's talking and tweeting about.
"Gipper it's pretty laughable to me that all of the conspiracy theories that you pick up on Fox News, Trump twitters and Atlantic Monthly are never ever corroborated by legal action." Give me one "legal action" that was connected to the Russian Collusion investigation that cost $40 million dollars and involved 17 biased lawyers and dozens of FBI agents.
"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation. That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty. If you also count investigations that Mueller originated but then referred elsewhere in the Justice Department, you can add a plea deal from one more person to the list."
None of the indictments were of any members of the Trump campaign that were alleged to have conspired with Russia. Some of the "crimes" were for giving false statements to the investigators and in Flynn's case maybe even that is not true. Some of the indictments were "show" ones of Russian companies who cannot and will not be prosecuted. One actually appeared and contested the charge and Mueller surprised that they showed up had to drop the charge. In short, the "object" of the investigation ie. Russian collusion was a complete hoax and just a pretext to do a judicial body cavity search of Trump.
Another Trump traitor weighs in: Colin Powell: Trump has 'drifted away' from the Constitution - CNNPolitics Man these rats are just coming out of the woodwork aren't they? By the way I don't personally consider Colin Powell to be a rat but I figured that he has now descended to that status on this board for being highly critical of your hero.