Study finds no hydroxychloroquine effect on death, severe COVID-19 There has already been some clinical trials and that's why Fauci and Birx and many other medical experts have not supported taking it so far. But more trials by different medical organizations would be welcome..... you just wouldn't expect that our 74 year old president would be doing his own clinical trial.
I guess you didn't read your own reference, and you didn't read the link I published. From your link "A randomized clinical trial is the best approach to determine whether benefit can be ascribed to any given therapeutic intervention because this trial design minimizes the two major problems inherent in observational studies: unmeasured confounding and bias," they wrote. The authors of the editorial say that although this study provides useful information, it's no substitute for randomized, placebo-controlled trials. That is exactly what they are doing in the Oxford Trial in the UK. Proper research, not knee jerk reactions from those suffering from Trump derangement syndrome.
Henry Ford Hospital is doing a trial of hydroxychloroquine. They're having their own employees take the drug to determine if it is a good prophylactic for the virus. Do you think that they'd give it to their own employees if they doubted it's safety? Do you think that they'd waste their time if there wasn't a high suspicion that it was somewhat effective? Really!!!! Henry Ford Health System to lead national study to determine drug's effectiveness in preventing COVID-19
Yes Dave would think that, because MSNBC and CNN said Trump was crazy for taking such a dangerous drug.
If proven to be effective then we should have seen the last of Fauci and Birx..... because they did not support that position. Gipper the date of that study beginning at Henry Ford was April 2nd.... Henry Ford Health System to lead national study to determine drug's effectiveness in preventing COVID-19 And an update: Throughout the US, there are several studies taking place in hospitals to test the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure for COVID-19 in health care workers. One of those studies—at Henry Ford Health System—began in April. The study, aptly called “Will Hydroxychloroquine Impede or Prevent COVID-19,” or WHIP COVID-19, is looking at 3,000 health care workers and first responders in Michigan and is entirely volunteer-based. According to the hospital, the preliminary results are expected in "about four months" from the April press release date.
So what's your point after acknowledging that legit institutions are actually studying it after you declared it worthless.
Here is what I said Terry... "So when Trump arbitrarily takes hydroxychloriquine most people think that it borders on lunacy" Most people would say that it is not a good idea to do your own personal trial of a med that has the potential for negative side effects and has not shown in trials already conducted to have proven positive effects on the control of the virus. The study at Henry Ford is a clinical trial done medically with all volunteers and it would be awesome if they discovered something positive other trials have not about the drug. I'm willing to bet there are very few if any volunteers accepted in that trial that are 74 years old with possible underlying heart issues.
When you go out and stand in line at the grocery store and someone behind you coughs or sneezes or sings like some asshole did to me at Dollar General yesterday you can blame DJT for refusing to set a good example: Trump says he won't wear a mask in front of cameras - CNNPolitics
Need an explanation that makes sense of why this shouldn't bother American taxpayers in what is supposed to be a democracy: "For starters NBC News provided detailed evidence of about two dozen luxurious dinners held by Pompeo and his wife Susan at the State Department's Diplomatic Reception Rooms, all paid for by taxpayers, with guest lists made up more of Republican donors and activists than foreign diplomats and policy experts. (Some 39% of the nearly 500 invitees were from Fox News, NBC reported.) But that's only part of the unfolding narrative." Mike Pompeo's disturbing actions (Opinion) - CNN
Ventured on over to Fox News to see what's up and I found this: Trump threatens to find new GOP convention site if North Carolina governor won't allow full attendance Right now North Carolina is considered a virus hot spot and Trump is threatening the Democratic governor with moving the convention if he doesn't somehow guarantee that there will be full in person attendance..... with as you can well imagine with that crowd no social distancing and no masks..... just because politically. I say let em come and weed out a few republicans from the herd.
Don't really know what to think about the "taxpayer" dinners you posted about. But there are always examples of seeming abuse of taxpayer money. Whether it's presidents playing too much golf (Obama played a lot of golf) or money spent on properties owned by the President. People were outraged at the money spent on Regan's Ranch and how much time he spent there, same for Bushes property in Texas. I remember outrage over a vacation Michele Obama took to Spain where she brought along a friend and her children all generating expenses from the taxpayer. I get irritated when the only time I hear from my representative in Congress is at election time when he send out newsletters touting what he's done and it's all on the taxpayer.
Having been in sales all of my career Terry I can understand how Pompeo was spending "company money" on those attendees that could provide a return on the investment.... even a few from Fox News..... but for Fox to have 200 of the 500 total in attendance seems like complete overkill and and is really sucking up to their news coverage.... it seems like total bribery.... at taxpayer expense.
I would like an explanation of how Trump could find a dumbass blond bimbo more stupid than this one he has now for a press secretary. I just heard it coming from her pea brain that she was questioning why if Biden thought wearing a mask in public was so important then why wasn't he wearing one in his basement at home standing next to his wife!!!! Jeezus.....
True Gipper..... the white rich boy New Yorker with the silver spoon who somehow... crazily.... is the patron saint of hard working average Americans probably has never set foot in a grocery store of any kind. Here is an article re: stats on the virus and transmission: What we know -- and still don't know -- about the coronavirus - CNN And this a very good read on our shortcomings in managing the virus: The one vital message of nearing 100,000 US deaths (opinion) - CNN
Once again Dave goes to the supreme source CNN. How about comparing the US to countries that are more like our society such as European countries. Why? because is shows how deceitful they are at CNN. Let's compare the US to the UK, Spain, France and Italy. They have a total of about 66% of the US population yet they have recorded over 125,000 deaths, 25% higher. Interestingly they all have forms of universal healthcare. If you made that comparison, it would be difficult to criticize the reaction of our government to the outbreak. Of course, a number of deaths ARE attributable to governors like Cuomo who forced infected patients into nursing homes. (then again, it's hard to blame the President for Cuomo.) I'd tell you to stop getting your information from CNN but then you might actually learn what's really going on in the world.
The Fuhrer has now threatened more of our democracy with his outlandish and concerning comments about shutting down social media that doesn't toe his line: Trump threatens to crack down on social media platforms after Twitter labels his tweets - CNNPolitics Pretty soon Fox News Entertainment will be our sole source of news media in this country and it would be already if Trump had his way.
Twitter is exempt from suits since they were just a pipeline for others. Now they've injected themselves into the picture and they should have the same liabilities as other media outlets like the Wapo and NBC among others who are being sued up the ass by Nicolas Sandmann. A Year Ago, the Media Mangled the Covington Catholic Story. What Happened Next Was Even Worse. Notice in that article the crap that came from twitter. Screw em.